Page 63 of Hard To Love

“What is what?” she said and turned to walk around the car.

“You know something.” I said stopping and crossing my arms. Cassie was a terrible liar.

“What are you talking about?” She shrugged, but her face betrayed her.

“Cass, come on. I’m not an idiot,” I replied. “I just have this horrible feeling something is wrong.”

“I’m sure if you talk to Nick, he’ll clear it all up,” she replied.

I eyed her for a moment, and asked, “You would tell me if something was wrong, right?” Cassie froze. Her eyes widened, she looked away, turning the key in the ignition.

“Of course,” she scoffed.

Another lie.

At the mall we spent an hour browsing a few shops before Cassie gave up. Nothing appealed to her tastes, and I just wasn’t into shopping. Then she suggested having dinner before driving in to Seattle. Apparently, a shop there carried amazing dresses for great prices. I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Nick until ten that night, so I agreed to go with her.

During dinner Cassie did most of the talking, and I think it was to keep me from asking her any more questions about Nick and his mother. With every ounce of willpower, I avoided asking any questions. I didn’t need to involve Cassie in whatever was going on with Nick and me.


When we arrived at the boutique in Seattle, Cassie immediately found something she loved. A cute short burgundy dress, one sleeve was toga style, the other a thick knotted strap in silver beading that matched the waist belt under the bust. Over the top of the short silk dress was a flowing sheer matching fabric. I nodded approvingly. As she changed out of the dress and into her clothes, I flipped through the rack. The woman who worked there asked what style, colour and length I was looking for, but I had no idea.

“What is your favourite colour?” she asked.

“Royal blue,” I replied.

She nodded, and replied, “I have the perfect dress,” she said and

walked away. I continued to look through the thousands of dresses on the racks throughout the store. Cassie came out of the change room just as the saleswoman returned. She was holding a royalblue full-length gown with A-line straps in rhinestones that continued around the ribs and under the bust.

“Try it on!” Cassie gasped. I took the dress and went in the dressing room to change. When I came out, Cassie jumped excitedly. “Perfect!” She clapped. The woman looked please with her decision.

“I guess I’ll take it,” I replied, smiling, twisting side to side. On the way home Cassie told me that she had decided to go to college, finally, after four years of travelling.

“I’m happy for you,” I replied not sure what else to say.

“We can still hang out, of course,” she said, looking over at me.

“Of course,” I replied. Little did she know, that once classes started, breaking arrangements would become, unavoidable. I know because I struggled with it every time.

Unfortunately, the rest of the drive was silent. When we got back to Portland, it was just after nine. Before reaching my street, I asked if she could drop me off at Nick’s mother’s house. She hesitated before answering me, which made me worry a little more than I already was.

“Sure ,” she replied.

I sent Nick a text as we pulled in to the driveway.

“Thanks.” I gave Cassie a hug before getting out of the car. By the time I got to the door and rang the bell, Nick still hadn’t

answered my text. I groaned, disappointed. The butler answered the door and let me in. “Evening , Miss Miller,” he greeted, shutting the door after I entered. “How can I help you this evening?”

“Will you let Nick know that I have arrived?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” he said. He seemed put off by my presence but smiled, then led me to the parlour. “Just have a seat.” When Nick finally met me in the parlour he was acting a bit strange. He took my hand and practically dragged me out the front door.

“Is everything okay?” I asked. Nick locked the front door, and took my hand in his.

“Yes,” he said, walking to his car.