Page 62 of Hard To Love

I took the card and opened it. “I haven’t been to one before.”

“Now you will,” he said with a big smile and hugged me again. “I have to go, but we will have dinner tomorrow night, okay?”

“Okay.” I smiled, feeling relieved. He grabbed my face, planting a long warm kiss on my lips. I couldn’t help but fall deeply for Nick. After he left my room, I fell back on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling, revelling in the moment.

Then my phone rang Cassie’s tune. I answered, unable to hide my excitement.

“You got the invite?” she said after hearing my voice.

“Yes!” I screeched.

“Then we need to go dress shopping,” she squealed.

“I’m off tomorrow.”

“It’s a date!” Cassie said before hanging up. I dropped my phone on my chest and closed my eyes. Things were starting to look up.

Later that night after work, I went to Shattered with Kelly and Jennifer. Mike and Sam had some bachelor party to attend, so they didn’t join us. It was nice just hanging out with the girls for once. We played a few rounds of pool before Kelly and Jennifer got bored and wanted to go home.

As I lied on my bed, I c ouldn’t help but wonder what Nick was doing. It was the first time we had not spent the entire day together, in weeks. I sent Nick a text and waited.

2:32 a.m. Me: Miss you.

He never answered.

***** Finally it was my day off, and I was no longer excited about going dress shopping with Cassie. What was bothering me now was that Nick was not returning any of my calls. When we weren’t together, we were on the phone talking or texting. It was probably nothing, but after the past few weeks together, it seemed out of character. I dragged myself out of bed, walked over to the mirror on my dresser, and stared at myself in the mirror.

Why was n’t I good enough?

It’s not as though the Fosters were royalty. I know he said his mother wasn’t going to control our relationship, and then told me that everything was all right but it just didn’t feel as if it were. Things weren’t the same. Usually, when someone avoids your calls or doesn’t return a text, it means something’s up.

This made me wonder about the work thing he said he was busy with. He only worked when he was home with his dad in Washington. What could he possibly be doing here in Portland?

My mind was all about Nick. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I was so distracted with my thoughts that I never heard the doorbell until my mother called for me. When it rang again, I gathered my things and made my way down. Just as I answered the door and saw Cassie standing there, my phone chimed. I stopped short, looking down at my phone, swiping my finger across the screen.

3:14 p.m. Nick: Hey, babe, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I have been busy. Work stuff.

I scoffed, and continued reading.

3:16 p.m. Nick: Can’t wait to see you <3

My heart skipped a little, and I couldn’t help but smile. Cassie looked at the phone, then up at me. 3:15 p.m. Me: Can’t wait to see you too.

3:16 p.m. Nick: I need to cancel dinner, but we will definitely get together later, when I get home.

3:18 p.m. Me: Okay…

I stared at my phone, disappointed. I ha d

n’t seen much of him the day before, and now he was canceling again. Slowly I looked up at Cassie from my phone.

“Everything okay?” she asked as we walked to the car. “I honestly don’t know , Cass.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m worried that he is going to break up with me.”

“What—why would you think that?” She turned to look at me.

“His mother,” I said, sucking in a breath. “I know she acts as if she likes me, but in reality she doesn’t think I am good enough for her son.”

“I don’t think that’s what it is, Lauren,” Cassie said, touching my arm. I noticed something in the way she looked at me. “What is it?” I asked.