Page 28 of Hard To Love

“Sorry.” I said and briefly closed my eyes before lifting the tray up on my shoulder. The guests at other tables glanced up and smiled as I walked past them. I grabbed the folding table to put the tray on, as I approached the table. Mason and Nick had their backs to me. Cassie spotted me just as her mother spoke my name.

“Lauren.” Mrs. Harper was the first to look up and acknowledge me. As I came into view, Nick’s face flushed.

“Mrs. Harper.” I smiled. “Lobster bisque?” I looked up at the sea of surprised faces in front of me. Mr. Foster raised his hand, and I lifted the bowl from the tray and walked over to him, placing it in front of him.

“Thank you.” He looked up, smiling.


bsp; Pleasantly nodding and smiling, I asked, “Escargot?” This time Mrs. Harper raised her hand, smiling. Then while handing out the plates, it occurred to me that all of these dishes were appetizers. The entrees were to follow, making their stay longer than I anticipated.

“When did you start working here?” Mrs. Foster asked.

“Uh—this week.” I replied nervously.

“You are doing well for your first job,” Mr. Foster added as he laid out a napkin on his lap.

“Oh, no—this isn’t my first job,” I replied, placing the last plate down. “I actually worked here before I moved away.”

“See, Mason? Even Lauren has managed to work for her money,” she said, glancing over at Mason.

“Oh, Mother,” Mason sighed, leaning on the back of her chair with his arm. “Let us not argue in public,” he snarled. She rolled her eyes and turned away from him.

Nervously I glanced up and saw that Cassie, Charlie and Nick were left without food. Just as I was about to inform them that someone would be right along with the rest of their order, another waitress walked up. I smiled and nodded, then slipped away. Nick’s eyes were starting to make me sweat. It was like he could see right through me.

When I got in the kitchen, I put the tray down and backed up against the wall. Tears flooded my eyes. Then as I walked towards the ‘out’ door, I spotted Mason standing there. He noticed me, and in a panic I spun around, walking back into the kitchen, all the way to the back door. I barged out the back door to the smoking area, crying, not realizing that some of the kitchen staff was out there.

“Are you okay, Hun?” one of the cooks asked.

“I—I’m fine,” I replied, startled, then averted my eyes.

“Rough night?” The kitchen manager asked. I was embarrassed that anyone had seen me, let alone a manager.

“No,” I said, pacing.

After a few minutes someone knocked on the wooden gate that gave access to the garbage and recycling trucks during the week. The cook stuck his cigarette in his mouth and unlatched the door, letting it swing open.

My eyes widened.

“Hey,” Mason said, looking up at me.

“You know him?” the cook asked, looking back at me. I gulped, not knowing what to say. Then I shook my head and backed away.

“Lauren,” Mason sighed.

“It sounds like he knows you.” The cook took a haul off his cigarette and walked away.

“What do you want, Mason?” With my arms crossed, I slowly made my way towards him.

He shrugged slightly and replied, “To talk.”

“Shouldn’t you be eating dinner with your family?” I asked.

“I wasn’t hungry.” He smirked. “Liquid diet.” I rolled my eyes. “Come out here for a minute.”

“Why do you want to talk to me?” I asked, leaning on the brick wall on the other side of the fenced-in area.

“Haven’t seen your face in a few days, was starting to wonder if you skipped town. Now I see where you’ve been hiding,” he said.