Page 2 of Hard To Love

I stood there watching him as he disappeared through the dense forest. When I knew for certain that I was alone, I called out to Matt again. A heavy disappointed filled me to the very core when he didn’t answer. This seeing ghost thing was so subjective, anytime I wanted it to happen it never did. It usually happened when I was least expecting it.

Eventually I made my way out to the gravel parking lot outside the forest. I noticed a car that had not been there earlier. I scanned the area, seeing nobody else around. But as I got closer to my car, I spotted a man slumped over the side of the car. I rushed over and kneelt in front of him.

“Hey.” I said shaking him when I realized it was the guy form earlier, the jerk who told me to get of his family’s land. “Are you okay?” I asked, gently slapping his cheek.

“O uch! Why are you hitting me?” He shuffled away, hitting his head against the mirror on the door of the car, cursing.

“Sorry. I thought that you were hurt or, better yet, dead, but it turned out you’re just drunk,” I huffed shaking my head and then sat back on my heels.

“What was your first clue that I was still breathing?” He snapped, and then rubbed his head.

“For now,” I snarled then stood, folding my arms and glaring down at him. “Sorry to bother you.” I turned and made my way over to my car, glancing back at him before opening the door.

He was trying to get to his feet, unsuccessfully.

I rolled my eyes, sucked in a deep breath, went against my better judgment and offered to help him. “Do you need a ride somewhere?” I asked, walking back towards him, offering my hand to help him up.

“Pfft, from the crazy girl who was talking to herself in the forest? I think I’ll pass.” He scoffed slapping my hand away. My lip twitched and I stared at him shocked. He made an attempt getting up by using the open window on his driver side door.

“I wasn’t talking to myself,” I muttered under my breath.

“Then who were you talking to,” he replied leaning back on the car to hold himself up.

I screwed my lips down, a little embarrassed, wishing he hadn’t heard me. “Do you want a ride or not? I don’t care either way.” I didn’t mean it, but I said it anyway. I often don’t think before I spoke. Strangest thing was that I actually wanted to give him a ride. There was something hiding behind this façade he put on. His glassy blue eyes stared me down which made me a little uncomfortable so I quickly downcast my eyes to avoid his stare.

“That’s not very nice,” he replied, stumbling forward. When I looked up again, attempting to give him an annoyed glance, his smirk made my heart jump a little in my chest. My eyes fluttered and a shallow breath darted out.

“Last-chance offer,” I said turning away and unlocking the car doors.

“Fine,” He huffed. “I can’t find my keys anyway.” He said smirking as he planted his hand on the roof of my car trying to open the car door. I shook my head laughing as I walked around the back of the car then shoved him playfully aside. He grabbed my jacket to stay balanced. My head shot in his direction, surprised. He didn’t say anything, he just stared at me trying not to smile, but that sexy little smirk was clearly visible.

“How much alcohol fits in that flask?” I muttered as I pulled open the door for him.

“Not enough.” He replied then stumbled forward. His face hovered close to mine. The smell of alcohol on his breath was eminent.

“Get in.” I stepped back, grabbing his arm and pulling him with me.

“No need to be pushy,” he said, pulling away from my grasp. I walked backwards as he attempted to get in the front seat. I shook my head and twirled the keys around my finger, then walked back over to the driver side to also get in the car.

“Where do you live?” I asked, starting the engine. I stretched my arm over the back of my seat to see out the window as I backed up. He stared at me his blue eyes burning through me.

“Over on Skyline Road.” He said as he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger. My mouth gaped slightly. Anybody who was somebody lived off Skyline Road. My best friend from childhood did as well.

“Did you just move to the area?” I asked.

“Nope, lived here all my life, remember.” He said tapping his temple. Then he added. “Well . . . off and on, I should clarify.” He rested his head on the seat. “But—I’m pretty sure we established that already.”

“Yeah, I remember. It’s just that I don’t remember you.” My cheeks burned.

“I guess I didn’t make much of an impression, then.” He scoffed turning to look out the window. I watched him as he fumbled with the button that locked and unlocked the doors.

“Did you want the window open?” I tried to hide my smile as I pressed the button on my door to lower his window. He avoided looking at me but I heard him chuckle, and then hung his arm out the window.

“We moving yet,” he asked, slowly turning to look at me. I did all I could to stop from snapping at him. Just because he was rude didn’t mean I had to be.

“Why are you like that?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road. There’s that mouth of mine, speaking before my brain thinks about it first.

“Why are you driving a stranger home?” His leaned forward in his seat to looking at me. I caught a quick glance of his hard stare. I shook my head and shrugged.