Page 17 of Hard To Love

“Thanks.” I did the friendly thing and hugged her back. “You look great too. A mom, huh. Wow that’s awesome.”

“Yeah, I love it.” She rubbed her belly then motioned to her son. “This is Trevor. His daddy is Michael Armstrong. Do you remember him?”

“Yeah,” I lied.

“Anyway, I should be going. I have an appointment with my baby doctor.” She grinned, pointing to her protruding belly.

“Okay.” I continued to smile. That’s when my mother walked out.

“Hello, Sara,” she said as she joined me. Sara waved and smiled, walking away. “Her husband is sleeping with the nanny,” my mom whispered, taking my arm in hers.

“Mom!” I gasped. “Really?”

“Oh yeah—she knows it too, pretends she has no idea. I’m pretty sure that baby isn’t his anyway,” she replied.

“Have you become the town gossip in my absence?” I laughed, resting my head on her shoulder.

“Speaking of gossip,” she said as she slowed the pace of her walk. I straightened, noticing Mason walking towards us.

My heart started to race and I was feeling light headed. “Morning, Mrs. Miller, Lauren.” He smiled and nodded.

“Mason,” my mother replied. “I—just need to slip in here,” she said and walked away.

“Sleep well?” he asked, stepping closer.

“Fine, thanks. You?” I gulped.

“Like a baby.” He smirked.

I sucked in a breath and looked down at the ground. I had never felt this awkward around a guy before. Mason had a way of doing that to me. “You look great,” he added.

My eyes danced. I didn’t know what to say. “Thanks.” I blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Damn that smile of his.

“That’s a different look for you,” he said.

“What?” I asked, crossing my arms, waiting for his smart-ass remark.

He leaned in close to my ear. “Bashful,” he whispered. “It’s endearing.” I couldn’t help the flare of red that brightened my cheeks as he stepped back.

“Oh.” With a gulp I stepped back. My knees felt weak and I needed to sit down.

“Are you all right?” he asked, grabbing my arm.

“Yeah. I—I’m just a little lightheaded.” I turned around looking for a place to sit. Mason followed, looking down, his eyes focused on me.

“You are going pale. Are you sure you’re okay?” He knelt in front of me, his hand on my knee. His touch sent shivers up my leg.

“Yep.” I said, patting his hand and removing it from my knee. He smiled and laced his fingers together at his legs.

“Mason?” A blond woman came walking towards us. I watched as he winced and left out a long heavy sigh as he stood.

“Gabriella,” he said, forcing a smile before turning to face her. She walked up to him and kissed both his cheeks.

“What are you doing? Are you rescuing another damsel in distress?” She bellowed linking her arm with his. She ba

rely even glanced at me.