Page 13 of Hard To Love

“Are you stalking me?” He smirked, crossing his arms. I eyed him up and down, noticing his expensive black polo shirt with a tattoo-style design on the right side of his chest, dark denim jeans and black boots.

“Are you drunk again, rock star?” I retorted.

“Funny.” This time his lips parted when he smiled, and I noticed his perfect set of white teeth to go with that sexy smile.

What was I thinking?

I shook my head and averted my eyes.

“Are you here to pester me, or am I trespassing again?” I mocked. It was childish, but he was a jerk and I needed to put him in his place. I turned to the bartender, waiting for him to look my way. When our eyes met, I gestured for another drink and he started making it.

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“My own words used against me. Ouch,” Mason said, leaning on the bar next to me. “Tell me, does the tough-chick act actually work for you?”

“I don’t know, does the, I’m a douche with lots of money, work for you?” I scowled.

“Ouch and the gloves are off.” He flashed a toothy grin.

Wow . . . .

“I’m here to have a good time, Mason. Please find someone else to bother,” I said with a roll of my eyes. I turned just as George, my personal bartender for the night, finished my martini and placed it on the wooden bar. I thanked him with a smile, and walked away, leaving Mason behind me.

“I’m impressed,” he said, coming up behind me whispering in my ear. I jerked away.

“With what—my good memory or the fact that I am still tolerating you right now,” I asked as I turned to face him, almost spilling my drink because he was standing so close. I huffed and stared him down.

His smile was starting to irritate me. “Well, it is definitely not your tolerance for cool people.” His lips screwed into a smile and he tilted his head forward. He fingered a strand of hair by my cheek. My mouth parted, but no words came out. Glancing over his shoulder, I spotted Cassie coming towards us. I pushed past Mason to meet up with her. Maybe standing around alone was not a good idea after all. She took me over to a set of stairs leading to a glass room. When I glanced behind me, as I followed Cassie, Mason was still watching me. Our eyes locked for a moment.

“Was that Mason you were talking to?” she asked, grabbing a seat next to Charlie.

With a nod I replied, “Yes.”

“Sorry. The last thing I thought he would do was talk to you, after the other day.” She winced.

I shrugged.

“Hello again,” Charlie said and looked up at me with a big smile. I nodded and smiled back. I sat next to Cassie. I listened to them chat about their summer trips to places I had wished to see at some point in my life.

I scolded myself. No pity party tonight, and with a deep inhale, slowly letting out the breath, I let go of negative thoughts. I glanced to my right, looking down at the dance floor and the moving bodies. Sitting here listening to them talk was boring and reminding me of the pity party going on in my head. In my standing, everyone halted their conversation.

“I think I want to dance,” I said, then gulped the rest of my drink, placing the glass on the table.

“You sure?” Cassie stood next to me.

“Oh yeah.” I tried to hide my annoyance.

“I’ll be back in a bit.” Cassie leaned down to kiss Charlie on the lips. I was grateful she decided to join me.

As we walked down the stairs, I danced and I did not care if anyone was watching. Cassie grabbed my hand as we made our way through to the middle of the crowded floor. You weren’t having fun dancing unless you were in a tangled mess of bodies.

Letting go, allowing the music to take over, I closed my eyes and I heard Cassie next to me, singing along. We cheered as the next song started, singing as loud as we could. Then a spin of slow songs took over, giving me the cue that it was time to get a drink.

George remembered me, giving me a wink as he caught my eye. Cassie joined me moments later. I was surprised Charlie hadn’t come down to dance to a slow song with her. It wasn’t my business how they worked as a couple. If she was happy then I was happy for her. Cassie ordered two rounds of tequila shots. With my throat on fire, after drinking the shots, I made my way back to the dance floor just as my favourite song came on. I squealed and dragged Cassie back with me. Girls were jumping and singing, their arms waving in the air. Before I knew it, the alcohol was beginning to numb me. Beads of sweat slowly dripped down my neck. Cassie waved at me to get my attention, gesturing she needed a drink. I waved her off and continued dancing. The music took me into a trance, and I let my body flow to the beat of the song. Not long after Cassie had gone, I felt someone come up behind me, wrapping their arms around my waist. I didn’t care.

Whoever it was smelled good—a good sign he had taste. I let my body grind against his, stretching my arms behind me and running my fingers through his short hair. My eyes were shut— that was a good thing; otherwise the spinning room might have made me nauseous. Drinking was not something I did often.

When the song ended, I slowly turned to face the mystery person rubbing up against me. I had to balance myself with his as I spun around. The smile on my face disappeared when I locked eyes with him. His sexy little smile was starting to get on my nerves. I didn’t understand what his deal was with me.