The resort was everything its website promised—several storeys high, the main building sat on a bluff overlooking the ocean. It faced north-east, with the back nestled into the rocky hillside. When they pulled into reception shortly after six, the sun had just set and dusk had arrived. Solar-powered lights were on everywhere, lining the circular driveway and winking in the tropical-style gardens. A parking valet descended on them as soon as Alex pulled up, taking care of their luggage while they went inside to book in.

Harriet was slightly taken aback when Alex told her to sit down whilst he handled everything. She was used to doing everything for him, but of course they were no longer just boss and employee; they were about to become lovers. She was glad to sit, her knees going to jelly at the thought.

The foyer was spacious and luxurious, with various seating arrangements dotted around. Over in a far corner was a bar and beyond that a large doorway with a sign over it, indicating the bistro-style restaurant she’d read about. She knew the à la carte restaurant was on the top floor, where the view of the ocean would be perfect during the daytime, as well as in the evening in summer, when daylight-saving time had it staying light till eight-thirty. She started thinking this would be the perfect place for future clients of their golf course to stay. She might contact the manager at a later date and see about their advertising on the Ark Properties website.

No sooner had Harriet thought that when she remembered she would probably not be working for Ark Properties for much longer. She sighed, then glanced over at where Alex was still at the desk, booking them in. Would it all be worth it? she wondered. Would the pleasure he’d promised live up to her expectations?

Harriet only had to recall the intoxicating expertise of his kiss to know the answer to that. Sex with Alex was going to be fantastic. Fantastic and unforgettable. It was the unforgettable part, however, which was the real worry. She couldn’t imagine herself getting over him as quickly as she’d got over Dwayne. But when Alex turned from the desk and smiled over at her, all her concerns for the future fled. Her heart lurched as she watched him walk towards her. God, but he was gorgeous. Gorgeous and all hers. For now, anyway. Adrenaline shot through her veins, accompanied by the heat of a desire so strong that she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand up.

‘All done,’ he said, still smiling. ‘Our luggage has been sent up and they booked us a table for dinner at seven-thirty. Are you coming?’ he said and held his hand out.

She put her much smaller hand in his large one, sucking in sharply when his fingers closed hot and strong around hers. He drew her up onto her feet, his mouth no longer smiling, his eyes darkening as they met hers.

‘I’m not going to be able to wait till after dinner,’ he said in a low, gravelly voice only she would hear. ‘This is getting beyond bearing.’

‘Yes,’ she agreed, her face flushing wildly as everything she’d ever believed about herself was tipped on its head. She’d thought she knew how this kind of thing felt. She’d experienced sexual desire before. But this was different from anything she’d ever experienced.

‘Don’t say another word,’ he growled and steered her hurriedly towards the bank of lifts against the back wall. ‘When we get into the apartment, I want you to go to your bathroom and shower,’ he told her on the way. ‘I’ll do the same in mine. Don’t dress. Just put on one of their bathrobes. We’ll meet in the living room. You have ten minutes. Not a second longer.’

There was another couple waiting to use the lifts and a fiercely aroused Harriet avoided their eyes. But she noticed when the woman started staring at Alex. It used to amuse Harriet when women ogled her boss, but this time she hated it with a passion, especially since this woman was young and attractive. Harriet knew she would have to get a grip on her jealousy if she was to survive her affair with Alex. He wasn’t the type of man who’d appreciate a possessive lover.

She kept her eyes averted as they rode the lift upwards, the other couple alighting well before their own stop. Thank God. When the lift doors opened on their floor, Alex took her elbow and ushered her along the hallway.

The apartment was exactly as it had appeared on the website. Harriet already knew the floor plan by heart. The decor was no surprise, either, the website having detailed photos of all the rooms. The furniture was typical five-star-hotel furniture, comfy and classy. The colour palette was in blue, grey and white, the walls white, the carpet grey, the kitchen and bathrooms white.