He could say that, but she knew that if she did this—and her body was screaming at her to surrender—it might eventually cost her her job. Harriet knew of other women who’d had affairs with their bosses and they never came out on top. Never!

But her days of being weak where men were concerned was over. Harnessing every bit of backbone that she possessed, she stepped back, far enough to force his hand to drop away from her mouth and her still-burning lips. Her action surprised him, which made her smile a wry smile.

You don’t know what you’re dealing with where I’m concerned, Alex. But you’ll learn.

‘You’re right,’ she said crisply. ‘About everything. But if we’re going to have an affair, then I must set some rules.’

‘Rules?’ he echoed, his brows lifting skywards.

‘Yes, rules.’

His rueful smile annoyed her, but she didn’t let it show. She kept her cool and her resolve. Amazing, really, considering what she was about to do. Dwayne had been a big mistake, but Dwayne didn’t have the power to hurt her as much as Alex could. Harriet had a history of falling madly in love with men like Alex. No matter how careful she was, it would probably still happen. But no way would he ever know that. The moment she felt even a smidgeon of love for him, her resignation would be on his desk.

‘Shoot,’ he said.

Harriet scooped in a calming breath before letting it out slowly. ‘As you yourself said,’ she began, her voice wonderfully cool and steady, ‘there will be no sex in the office. That’s a definite no-go. But also not during office hours. No sneaking out at lunchtime to some nearby hotel room.’

Alex scowled. ‘Sounds like you’ve been down this road before.’

She hadn’t, never having indulged in a secret affair before. All her relationships had been out in the open. But she wasn’t about to tell Alex that. ‘Like you said earlier, Alex, I’ve been here before.’

‘Any other rules?’ he asked, still sounding irritated.

‘Only the obvious ones. You will use a condom at all times.’ She’d stopped taking the pill after breaking up with Dwayne. ‘Also, whilst I’m sleeping with you, you don’t sleep with anyone else. The day you take up with a new girlfriend, our relationship—such as it is—will be over.’

‘Fair enough. Am I allowed any rules of my own?’

Harriet was taken aback. She hadn’t anticipated this. ‘But of course,’ she said coolly.

‘We will not have sex at all during the working week,’ he surprised her by saying. ‘When I work, I work hard. I can’t afford to be wrecked the next day after being up half the night. But I expect you to spend every weekend with me. At my apartment,’ he added. ‘Starting from Friday night straight after work.’

A highly erotic thrill rippled through Harriet at the thought that he would want her that much. The prospect of spending every weekend at Alex’s sexual beck and call was intoxicatingly exciting. She had no doubt he would be good in bed. No, he would be better than just good. He’d be fantastic. All of a sudden Harriet found it hard to concentrate on what she should be saying. But she had to. Her pride demanded it.

‘Sorry,’ she said crisply. ‘No can do. I’ll be going out for drinks on a Friday night with friends. I can’t get to your apartment till much later in the evening.’

‘No problem. I can wait. Waiting sometimes makes it better.’

Harriet suppressed a groan. She really was out of her league here. Yes, she’d had lovers before, but none quite like Alex. She could see that he was very experienced at playing erotic games. But there was no turning back. She wanted him too much.

‘I also might have to go out with Emily on the odd Saturday night,’ she added, determined to make at least some show of independence.

‘Can’t you have your girls’ night out during the week?’

‘Sometimes, but not always. But back to the weekends. What do you mean by “at your apartment”? Aren’t you ever going to take me out somewhere? For a drive, perhaps? Or to dinner, or to a show?’

‘No. You’re my PA, Harriet,’ he added, showing her he meant business when he called her Harriet like that. ‘You’re also a marrying kind of girl. I don’t want you to ever think that our affair has anything to do with love. It’s about sex and sexual pleasure. It won’t last. Maybe only a few weeks. But, let’s face it, after what you’ve been through with Dwayne, you can afford a few weeks to indulge yourself in a purely selfish and strictly sexual relationship.’