“It’s no more than a bruise and you can make it quick,” Snow urged and slipped her hand beneath his plaid and smiled, feeling the strength and swell of him. “After almost having been taken from you, I need this. I need to feel we are one, and feeling how hard you I would say you feel the same.” She took his hand to tuck beneath her garments and brought it to rest between her legs. “I’m more than ready.”

Tarass grew harder when his fingers brushed her wetness. He could slip inside her with ease and make her come easily, himself as well, since he was just as ready as he was.

“Thaw!” Tarass called out and the pup got up from where he parked himself by the hearth and trotted over to him. “Come with me.” Thaw followed obediently and Tarass opened the door. “Guard Snow and let no one in.”

Thaw barked, turned, and sat, ready to do as ordered.

Tarass grabbed a stool by the fireplace and placed it in front of Snow’s chair, right between her legs, making sure not to disturb her injured leg, then pulled off the blanket he had tucked around her. He settled his hands on either side of her backside and gave her a quick kiss.

“I’m near ready to come, husband,” she whispered so excited she could hardly contain herself as he eased her forward in the chair.

“You fire my passion with words alone,” he said and brought her backside to rest on the very edge of the chair.

“And touch,” she whispered ever so softly as her hand found his manhood and guided it between her legs, brushing the tip over that tender spot her husband loved to tease.

She groaned softly.

Tarass wished they could linger in play longer, but they had no time. He brushed her hand off him and eased himself into her.

Between the strength of his hands and body, Snow didn’t have to do anything but enjoy every thrust of his manhood penetrating her deeper and harder, over and over and over… until,

“Tarass,” she whimpered in need.

“Let go,” he ordered and she did, and he joined her.

Their low groans mingled as ripples of sheer pleasure raced through them, and they both shuddered simultaneously when the last ripple faded away.

“I want to stay inside you, grow hard again, and bring us both to pleasure again,” he whispered.

“Later. Promise me you’ll do that later,” she said and kissed him gently.

“You have my word,” he said and sealed his promise with a strong kiss.

Tarass barely had her settled in the chair, the blanket once again wrapped around her when Thaw started barking. He reluctantly went to the door, silently cursing, intending to see this done and finished once and for all.

Nettle entered with Thaw.

The pup rushed to Snow’s side and after receiving his usual attention settled by her feet to sleep.

Nettle, seeing Snow’s flushed cheeks, smiled, though made no mention of what she realized had gone on in her absence.

“I have a nice hot brew for you and some bread and cheese,” Nettle said, placing it on the small chest next to the chair where Snow sat. “Runa will be here soon.”

It was only a few minutes later that Runa arrived and looked over Snow’s injury.

“A bruise that will heal well enough with a royal fern poultice and not staying long on your feet for a day or two,” Runa said. “Come with me, Nettle, and I’ll show you how to prepare one.”

Nettle looked to Tarass for permission and he gave it with a nod. “Send Rannock to me, Nettle.”

“Eat,” he ordered his wife when he saw she hadn’t touched the food Nettle had brought her.

“I’m not feeling hungry,” Snow said, too anxious to hear what Lord Polwarth had to say.

Rannock entered the room before Tarass could cajole her into eating something.

“Bring Lord Polwarth to me,” Tarass said.

“Abbot Bennett is demanding to see you,” Rannock said.

“Ignore him,” Tarass ordered.

Rannock nodded and returned moments later with a shackled Lord Polwarth.

“Must I remind you that I am a man of great influence and important friends?” Polwarth warned when made to stand in front of Tarass.

“Must I remind you that I am a man who has family and friends who don’t live by Scottish beliefs or rule and can make you disappear never to be found again?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Polwarth challenged.

“I dare anything when a man thinks he can take my wife from me,” Tarass said anger sparking his every word.

“You’re like your father, a shameful man,” Polwarth spat. “Snow is a good woman and deserves better.”

“How dare you claim my father dishonorable when you come into my home and try to abduct my wife,” Tarass said, his hands fisted at his sides and fighting to keep them there.

“To save her,” Polwarth said, his face blotched red with anger.