“Of course, I did. We were good friends,” Lord Polwarth insisted.

“If what you claim is true, then you would know my da would be happy that I found love.”

“There is no time to discuss this now. Later, when you’re safe at my home, we can talk about it,” Lord Polwarth said.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Snow said, fighting the fear that was growing ever stronger in her.

Thaw’s growls and snarls increased, sensing her distress.

“If you don’t want any harm to come to your pup, I’d advise you to come with me,” Lord Polwarth warned.

Snow was shocked that he threatened to harm Thaw when he knew how much she loved the pup. He was nothing like the man she thought he was, which meant she had to be careful and do whatever she needed to keep Thaw safe.

“It’s all right, Thaw. All is good,” she said, keeping her voice light.

Thaw stopped snarling, but his growl remained low as he sat, leaning against her leg.

“You’ll come with me quietly and all will be well,” Lord Polwarth instructed.

Snow had little choice, if she didn’t want Thaw harmed.

“I have your cloak,” Lord Polwarth said and approached her.

Thaw jumped at the man, his teeth bared and snarling viciously.

Snow was quick to scoop the pup up, worried he sensed her fear, and soothed him as best she could. “It’s all right, Thaw.”

Thaw calmed some, but growled as Lord Polwarth placed the cloak over Snow’s shoulders.

Snow startled when Lord Polwarth took her by the arm and Thaw snapped at him. She warned Thaw again. “No, Thaw. It’s all right. I’m all right.”

When they reached the door Polwarth stopped. “Leave Thaw here. When all is settled, I’ll send for him.”

Snow knew he lied to her and she knew Tarass would come for her. So it was easy for her to comply, though it did nothing to alleviate her fright.

“Once you all leave the room, I’ll put him down and shut the door,” Snow said and heard one of the other men urging Lord Polwarth to hurry. Taking no chances Thaw would be hurt, she hurried to set Thaw down and whispered as she did, “Find me when free.”

Thaw’s barking started as soon as she shut the door on him.

Lord Polwarth took her arm again, and she was surprised when he took her to the room she had claimed as her solar.

“We need to hurry,” someone said.

Snow was suddenly tugged forward and surprised to see an outline of a narrow opening in the wall. She was shoved through it, a musty odor assaulting her, and with someone close in front of her and someone close behind her, she was led precariously down the narrow stairs.

She thought of one thing with each step she took.

Tarass would rescue her.

Chapter 28

Tarass sped up the stairs, his heart pounding madly in his chest. When he heard Thaw’s frantic barks, he took the steps three at a time. It was Thaw’s soulful howl that made Tarass realize that Snow was gone before he reached the bedchamber door and threw it open.

“Find Snow, Thaw!” Tarass commanded as soon as he and the dog’s eyes met.

Thaw took off and Tarass raced after him, Rannock keeping pace behind them both.

Both men were puzzled when Thaw brought them to Snow’s solar and went to a section of one of the walls and began barking.

“The secret passage,” Tarass said, shocked and wondered how Polwarth would know about it. “I know where it comes out. Let’s go get Snow, Thaw.”

The pup didn’t hesitate; he followed after Tarass. Once outside, Tarass bolted for the back of the keep, Thaw staying right beside him, and as he rounded the one corner he saw the hidden door open. A man hurried out, tossing a torch to a pile of snow, the fizzled flame sending black smoke wafting into the air. His wife tumbled out behind the man, and Lord Polwarth grabbed her arm to stop her from landing face first in the snow.

Tarass let out a terrifying roar that his mum’s people would use when going into battle and that never failed to have the bravest of men cowering. It didn’t fail this time either. The two men with Lord Polwarth ran like the devil was after them, but Polwarth kept hold of Snow.

Thaw bolted past Tarass and launched himself at Polwarth.

Tarass didn’t stop him.

Snow’s eyes had difficulty adjusting to the change in light. She thought she saw Tarass running toward her, but there were so many gray blurs behind the larger one she couldn’t be sure. However, she was sure of the small gray blur that headed straight for her. It was Thaw.

Thaw might have grown some, but he was still a pup and when Snow felt Polwarth lift his leg to give Thaw a harsh kick and stop him from attacking, instinct had Snow reacting.