“Tarass!” she screamed, her fingers gripping the blanket beneath her as she felt herself explode with pleasure.

A few good, hard thrusts and he exploded himself and made sure she came a second time as they spiraled and spun in a whirlwind of pleasure that left them completely breathless and satiated.

Tarass dropped down over her. “Good God, wife, I never expected you to be so generous in bed.”

“I am too demanding for you?” she asked with worry.

Tarass rolled off her, snagging her around the waist to pull her to rest against his side. “Look at me, wife,” he demanded softly when she kept her face averted from his.

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t see you.”

He gently took hold of her chin and turned her head to face him. “It does matter. You matter and I love that you are generous when it comes to making love and I love that you’re demanding when it comes to making love. Mostly, I love that you enjoy making love with me as much as I do with you.”

“Always, husband. Always,” she said a soft smile surfacing.

He kissed her and they lay there content until he felt her skin begin to cool, then he pulled the blanket out from under them and tucked it around them.

“Tarass,” Snow said after a few minutes of silence.

“Aye, wife?”

“You know what this incidence with the dwarf means, don’t you?” she asked.

“Aye. You think the same?” he asked, tucking her tighter against him as though he suddenly needed to shield her.

“I do. The dwarf is someone in the clan.”

Chapter 25

It took more than a week before paths were cleared through the village, making it maneuverable, and Snow was eager to take advantage of it.

“You are to remain with Nettle at all times,” Tarass ordered, adjusting his wife’s fur-lined cloak on her shoulders.

Snow rolled her eyes, having heard it several times all morning. “How many times must you remind me of that?”

“How many times will it take for you to obey me?” Tarass countered.

Snow laughed.

“That’s what I thought, hence the constant reminders, which do no good anyway, and yet I keep trying.”

Snow bounced up on her toes to give him a quick kiss. “Because you love me and want to keep me safe.”

His arm snagged her waist and lifted her to press his nose to hers. “Then take pity on your husband, for he loves you beyond measure and couldn’t live without you.”

She kissed him again, more slowly this time and he responded, demanding a bit more from her, which she eagerly gave.

Snow rested her nose to his, this time, after the kiss ended. “My word that I will do as you say, husband, while I wait impatiently for you to join me.”

“Then I rest easy and will hurry to join you,” he said, reluctantly placing her on her feet and letting go of her. “I have a few things to discuss with Rannock. I won’t be long.”

Snow watched him leave the Great Hall, her heart pounding in her chest, not just from the kiss. She could see a distinct shape to him, but what had gotten her heart pounding madly had been the shock of seeing a hint of the bold blue color of his eyes.

It had been her second sight of color, though still blurred some, since the accident, and she was ever so grateful it was the blue of her husband’s eyes that she saw. Still, though, she had to be sure this was permanent before she told anyone. She didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, least of all her own hopes.

“Are you all right, m’lady?” Nettle asked. “Your eyes pool with tears.”

Snow smiled and wiped at her eyes before any tears could fall and spoke the truth. “A joyful thought.”

“That is good to know, m’lady, since many in the keep are joyful themselves with Fasta not here since the incident. None look forward to her return.”

“I noticed a lightheartedness in the keep myself,” Snow admitted. “Perhaps it is time to make the change permanent.”

“Maude has done wonderful in Fasta’s absence,” Nettle said excited, “and everyone here does their tasks with little prodding, since Maude speaks kindly to them and treats them well. Though, it has helped that you ordered extra food to be given to them.”

Snow had taken advantage of the days the snowstorm had forced her to remain in the keep. While she loved spending time with her husband, he had matters to see to and she did as well. She had talked with Maude after appointing her to Fasta’s position while Fasta recovered, and she had discovered several things she didn’t like about the running of the keep. The way servants were fed had been one. If Fasta returned to her position, she would return to a much different keep, and Snow didn’t think it would work well for anyone.