“You’ll keep my secret then?” he asked with another chuckle.

“I don’t think it’s much of a secret to those who truly know you,” she whispered close to his lips.

Her faint breath teased his lips and he didn’t hesitate to kiss her gently.

It was a tender, lovely kiss, but it wasn’t enough for her. She ached for much more, but she needed to remind him of something. “You once said you’d never poke a blind woman.”

He brushed his lips over hers and felt the light shiver that ran through her naked body before responding. “Aye, I did, and I meant it.”

Snow snapped her head back as if he had slapped her in the face, so great was her surprise. If he didn’t want to seal their vows, why claim he loved her?

Tarass took hold of her chin, keeping her eyes set on him, though she couldn’t truly see him, but he wanted her to know that he saw her.

“I won’t poke you,” he said sharply before he softened his tone. “I intend to make love to you. Actually, I’ve ached to make love to you. I’ve thought almost about nothing else but making love to you. And I fear you will grow quite tired of how much I intend to make love to you.”

She brushed his hand away. “What if it is I who demands more?”

He laughed. “Then I have surely died and gone to heaven.”

“Not without me,” she scolded lightly. “I could not bear to live without you.”

His heart felt as if it faltered. He had hoped one day she would love him, if only a little. To hear her say she wouldn’t want to live without him filled him with joy and made him realize she loved him as much as he loved her, since he wouldn’t want to live without her either.

He ran the back of his fingers over her cheek and down along her jaw. “I feel the same. I could not imagine life without you.” He took hold of her jaw and brought his lips to hers to brush them lightly, teasingly.

“I am so glad you came and rescued me just in time,” she whispered.

“I am too or else I would have had to make you a widow.”

Snow yanked her head back again. “You wouldn’t have.”

“When I said you belonged to me, I meant it. No one will ever take you from me.”

His hand went to the back of her neck to hold it firm as his lips came down on hers in a kiss that tingled every inch of Snow’s naked body. It was a strong kiss that demanded and gave at the same time and Snow didn’t hesitate to respond.

Tarass kept a firm arm around her waist as he dropped them back on the bed together, never breaking the kiss. But then Snow wouldn’t let him. Her arms had hurried around his neck and her lips had opened eagerly for him. He thought she’d startle when his tongue slipped into her mouth, but her tongue had quickly joined his and they both were soon lost in the heated kiss.

He moved his hand off the back of her neck down along her body to grip her backside in a firm squeeze and she moaned with pleasure. Her moan grew when his hand drifted up, lightly caressing her soft skin before he reached her breast and cupped it in his hand, his thumb grazing her nipple.

A vicious bark sounded before Thaw hurled himself onto the bed and stood, teeth bared and growling, over Tarass.

“I’m not hurting her,” Tarass said a bit too forcefully, annoyed at being disturbed.

Thaw wasn’t at all appeased. His snarl deepened.

“Tarass does not hurt me, Thaw. I am good. I am not hurt,” Snow said calmly and stretched her hand above her head searching for the pup.

Thaw’s growling eased, though it didn’t stop as he slipped the top of his head under her hand.

Snow rubbed behind his ears and under his chin, his favorite spots. “Tarass loves me, Thaw. He keeps me safe like you do.”

Tarass remained silent. Though he wanted to throw the pup out of the room and lock the door, he knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. Snow loved Thaw and, while he’d never admit he was a bit jealous of the pup—a crazy thought—he’d never do anything to come between their special bond. But he damn well wouldn’t let the protective pup stop him from making love to his wife.

“I would never hurt, Snow, Thaw,” Tarass said and gave the pup a rub behind his ear.

“I don’t want to put him out of the room and have him think he did something wrong, especially with our return here. He needs to learn this is his new home now, but this situation isn’t helping the matter,” she said, not sure of what to do.