Feeling tears well inside her, she stood. Feeling sorry for herself, especially in a strange place, would do her no good.

“Come, Thaw, you will guide me while we walk,” Snow said, grabbing her cloak that lay beside her on the bench. She had brought it with her, hoping to get outside for a bit.

Thaw barked, then took hold of the hem of her tunic in his mouth and gave a tug.

She had realized when they had taken their morning walks that Thaw actually guided her. He’d bark and push against her leg to let her know something was in her path and, on several occasions, he had taken the hem of her tunic in his mouth and tugged her in a particular direction, keeping her on course. Pleased by his innate ability to help her, she had begun to teach him with commands.

Snow was pleased when Thaw got her through the Great Hall and outside with bumping into only one table. She wasn’t surprised that none of the shadows around her offered any help since, Thaw still managed to snarl and grumble, with her hem in his mouth, if anyone approached them. For a little fellow, he presented the air of a mighty beast.

“Let’s see if we can find Tarass,” Snow said, curious to find out about the two dead men.

Thaw dropped the hem of her tunic, barked, then leaned against the front of her legs, preventing her from taking another step.

It was an action he took when warning her not to take another step, which meant he warned her of the stairs. They had practiced going up and down the stairs at home and Thaw had learned quickly. She had wondered if it was familiarity with his surroundings that had made it easy for him. She would find out now.

“Guide me down the stairs, Thaw,” she ordered as she had done at home when teaching him about the stairs.

Thaw stepped down and barked once and Snow followed. With each bark he alerted Snow to another step until they had reached the bottom and Thaw barked several times, letting her know there were no more steps.

Snow smiled with glee as she reached down, rubbing and praising the pup. “You did wonderful, Thaw. I’m so proud of you. Now to find Tarass.”

Though she had Thaw to help maneuver her, she couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. When she had first arrived at Willow’s new home, her sister had taken her around and detailed the village and keep to her and Thaw. It had helped greatly and it had taken only a couple of days for her to feel comfortable in walking around on her own. Of course, there were some mishaps along the way, but she had expected that.

Here, however, she had no idea where she was venturing. She had to rely completely on Thaw. No one offered assistance, but then again Thaw’s snarls kept people at bay.

The snow scrunched beneath her feet as Thaw kept her on a cleared path that wound its way through the village. She was just rounding what she assumed was a cottage when something hit her cheek. Thaw snarled and snapped, but didn’t leave her side, and Snow quickly raised her hand to her face.


“My lady, I’m so sorry. We didn’t see you. Our Apologizes. Please, I beg of you don’t tell Lord Tarass.”

The voice of a young lad continued begging for mercy.

“Was it meant for you?” Snow asked.

“Aye, there is only me—Roy—and Todd against three,” he explained.

“That’s not fair. You need another to help you. I can help,” Snow offered, since she was already being reckless by taking a chance on walking through the unfamiliar village with only Thaw to guide her. Why not be even more reckless, or was she being impulsive, by taking a moment to have some fun?

There was a moment of silence before Roy finally spoke. “Excuse me, m’lady, but you’re blind.”

“I’m not addressed as my lady, my name is Snow, and if you tell me where to throw the snowball I just might hit someone or at least distract them so you can hit your mark.”

A moment of silence followed again.

“There’s also my pup, Thaw. He will force them from their hiding places,” Snow said.

Hesitation proceeded the response. “What of Lord Tarass?”

“Is he here? He can join in the fun if he wants,” Snow said with a chuckle and heard the young lad laugh.

“Lord Tarass is not about, but the three are watching us now,” the lad said, keeping his voice low.

“Then have Todd fetch me a snowball or two and a few for you and him as well and tell me where to throw them and as soon as they retaliate, hit them with all your might,” Snow said. “But don’t let them see what you have planned. It needs to be a surprise attack.”