He had been surprised at her response when he had told her he intended to kill the person who had killed his parents. She had told him she would do the same if it were her parents. She hadn’t asked anything more about it after that, and he hadn’t wanted to offer any more.

She had fallen asleep as they discussed the weather and what it would take to make it home, her head lolling to the side until it had finally settled on his shoulder. He had sat there with her resting comfortably against him and a slight snore coming from Thaw curled in her lap. He had listened to the wind whipping around the small cottage and the crackle of the fire in the hearth. He had felt more content than he had in years, and it had surprised him.

It hadn’t been until the fire had died down considerably that he reluctantly left the bed, lying Snow down on the lumpy mattress, while Thaw moved to curl at her feet, of course, after giving him a growl.

The fire was once again blazing and he felt sleep poking at him, but his thoughts weren’t ready to rest. There was far too much on his mind. It hadn’t been long after they’d first met that his da had left and not long after that his mum and he had taken their leave. His mum had told him they were going to join his da. He asked about their home and who would protect it and she had told him not to worry it rested in good hands until their return. He had wondered over his da’s departure and theirs as well. He had worried that it had something to do with his mum’s people. But each time he had asked her, he had gotten the same response. Everything was fine. He was not to worry.

He had been shocked when his da met up with them on their journey and even more surprised at where their journey had ended… his mum’s tribe. He had missed Scotland, and he had promised himself that someday he would return. He had thought it would be with his mum and da. He had sworn to himself and his mum’s tribe that he would revenge their death. And he would let nothing, absolutely nothing, stop him from doing just that.

His thoughts began to settle as sleep began to poke at him. He added more logs to the fire so the heat would stay strong until morning, then he snatched his furs off the table where he had laid them to dry and went and placed them over the cloak that covered Snow.

With no other choice, the ground too cold to sleep on, he stretched out on his side beside her.

Thaw lifted his head and went to growl.

“Quiet,” he ordered in a harsh whisper, “I keep her and you safe.”

Thaw gave a low growl, stretched himself to his feet with a yawn, and moved up to settle himself against Snow’s stomach.

Tarass thought that Thaw was lucky Snow would never marry, since no man would allow the dog in bed with him and his wife. The strange thought troubled him, recalling Snow’s words about wanting to fall in love and have a family. It was a shame, since he had no doubt Snow would make a wonderful mum.

Snow woke buried in warmth that she didn’t want to emerge from, and she didn’t. She remained snuggled under her fur-lined cloak. A noise close to the bed had her opening her eyes to see a shadow standing over her. She was ready to scream when she recalled where she was and who was with her.

“The snow stopped sometime last night, though the sky remains ominous. I’m going to have a look. We may be able to make it to my keep before the snow starts again. Get dressed while I’m gone. Your garments are dry and on the table and your hose are in your boots by the bed. Is there anything you need help with before I leave?”

“No,” she said, sitting up, “though if you could take Thaw with you, I would appreciate it. He probably needs to go out.”

“I can do that. I’ll be out front the whole time.”

“I also appreciate that,” she said, worried that he would wander off leaving her completely alone and vulnerable.

“Come on, Thaw, you’re coming with me,” he said with a wave to the pup.

Thaw didn’t move from Snow’s side. He actually leaned against her arm as if letting Tarass know he wasn’t going anywhere.

Snow looked down at the gray blob that was Thaw to her. “It’s all right, Thaw. You go with Tarass. I’ll be right here waiting for you.” She scooped him up, kissed him on the top of his head, and placed him on the earth floor. “Go with Tarass, I’ll be right here.”