“I can now,” Twilla barely whispered, her burden lifted. “Stay with me.”

“I will,” Snow said, knowing it was Twilla’s way of saying she didn’t want to die alone.

Twilla’s eyes closed and she struggled to say, “Tell me about when you first met Tarass, though I was there, I love hearing you tell it.”

Snow chuckled while her tears fell. “Now that’s a story.” And she proceeded to tell it.

It wasn’t long before Twilla’s breathing grew shallow and her hand went limp in Snow’s hand, and she took her last breath.

Snow sat with Twilla, her heart saddened. She would miss visiting with Twilla and talking, having learned much about the clan from her. She also couldn’t stop thinking on what Twilla had confided in her. Tarass’s mum and da didn’t tell him. They knew the danger of anyone knowing. He would be killed so he could never depose the King. Not that Tarass would want to, but others would believe him a threat. Did she tell her husband? Or keep the secret as Twilla had so faithfully done?

A sudden sharp pain had her bending over. She barely had time to sit up straight when another pain ripped through her stomach. She waited until the pain subsided and struggled to her feet. Another pain grabbed her when she neared the door and she braced her hand against the wall.

This wasn’t what happened with Willow and Sorrell when their bairns made it known they were ready to be born. Then she remembered Willow telling her that their mum had spit Snow out easily when born. Was this bairn getting ready to do the same?

She made it to the door when she felt a gush of liquid spill between her legs.

She had to get help. She had to get to the keep.

She stepped outside. The snow was falling heavier than before, but not so heavy she couldn’t see anything. She looked around for anyone who could get Tarass for her and spotted Roy, the young lad she had more than a couple of snowball fights with.

“Roy!” she shouted and the lad turned and hurried to her. “Hurry and get Lord Tarass.”

The lad took off.

Another pain hit Snow, grabbing her so suddenly and so hard that her legs turned weak and the next thing she knew, she was on her knees on the ground. She shook her head, worried she’d never get to her feet on her own.

She blessed the heavens when she heard Thaw’s barks and soon felt his licks on her face.

“Snow!” Tarass shouted when he saw his wife had collapsed, Thaw whining beside her, and he rushed to her, Slatter and Ruddock close behind him.

“The bairn,” Snow said, reaching out to him as he got to her side.

Tarass scooped her up and ran.

“Put her on the bed and get out,” Sorrell ordered.

Tarass sent her a scathing look and kept his wife in his arms. His biting look quickly turned to a cringe as Snow curled against him in pain.

“The bed,” Willow urged, entering the bedchamber and Tarass was quick to comply.

“Get out,” Sorrell ordered again.

“I’m not leaving her,” Tarass said and took hold of his wife’s hand even more determined to stay with her when her hand grasped his tightly.

Willow placed a gentle hand on his arm. “Your presence here will not help her. Leave this to the women.”

“It’s all right, Tarass,” Snow said, relieved the pain had passed.

Tarass hunched down beside the bed and kissed his wife’s cheek. “You might need me.”

Snow smiled. “I always need you, husband.”

Her playful manner made him smile until she began to cringe in pain again.

“Do something for her,” Tarass demanded, turning to Willow.

“Snow will do what’s needed just as you will leave us to help her,” Willow said.

“My sister is right,” Snow said through the pain. “It’s time for you to go.”

Tarass brought his face close to hers. “I will take my leave only if you promise me that you will shiver the rafters with my name if you should need me. Something I know you’re capable of since you do it quite often.” He grinned.

Snow chuckled and cringed at the same time and Tarass cringed along with her.

“Go. Now,” Willow ordered, pointing to the door and was surprised to see Ruddock, Sorrell’s husband standing there. Sorrell stood beside him with her arms folded across her chest.

Ruddock walked over to Tarass. “Time to go and leave your wife to the women and join the men for some ale.”

“You know I’d kick your arse if you tried to take me from her,” Tarass challenged, getting to his feet, though not letting go of his wife’s hand.

“I have no doubt of it, but I doubt you’d survive an attack from Sorrell, so I’m actually here to save your arse.”

“He’s right,” Snow and Willow said in unison and with a laugh.