“You’re awake,” he said and nudged Willow.

Her eyes popped wide and she smiled when she saw that a light pink color tinged Snow’s pale cheeks. “You feel well? No pain? No bleeding?”

“I feel tired and weak, but no pain and no bleeding that I can feel.”

“It will take time for you to heal fully. You need to stay off your feet for a few days, and then not attempt to do more than your body tells you it can,” her sister advised.

“She’ll do as you say,” Tarass said.

“She certainly will since I’ll be right here making sure she does,” Willow said like a mum commanding her bairn.

“I have every intention of doing what I’m told,” Snow said. “Besides, I just don’t have the strength to argue with either of you.”

Willow went to her sister and took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You’ll do well and you’ll have lots of bairns. I’ll go get you a light fare. Food will help you regain your strength.”

Snow appreciated that Willow gave her time alone with her husband. She looked to him not sure what to say, then suddenly burst into tears.

Tarass went to her, slipping into bed beside her and took her into his arms, then gently eased her head to rest on his shoulder.

“You’re safe now,” he said, overwhelmed by the relief his own words brought him.

“I lost our bairn,” she said and continued weeping.

He lifted her chin to look up at him. “No, you didn’t. Our bairn was taken from you, and the ones responsible will never hurt you or any of our family ever again. It was senseless vengeance against my family that caused this and it is finally done. It will haunt us no more.” He wouldn’t tell her about Runa just now. Tomorrow or the next day would be time enough.

He pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I was so frightened I would lose you. My life, my arms, this bed would be empty without you. You’ve filled my life in ways I never imagined possible. I now understand why my mum cautioned me to settle for nothing less than love when I wed. She was so right. I love you, ást, more than you could possibly know.”

Tears fell gently from Snow’s eyes, rolling slowly down her cheeks. “After I went blind, I never imagined anyone falling in love with me, least of all you. And I do know how much you love me, for my love for you is just as impossible to comprehend, it goes so deep.”

They kissed gently as if sealing their love.

Snow snuggled content in her husband’s arms.

Tarass turned a smile on her. “So tell me, wife, when did your sight return?”

She smiled at him, her green eyes still wet with tears. “It was over time and it can still be fuzzy at times, but mostly it’s been clear for a while now.”

“I know why you didn’t tell me sooner,” Tarass said, his grin incredibly wicked.

“And why is that?”

“You could admire me naked as often as you wanted without me seeing how much you love my body.”

Snow laughed in spite of the sorrow that lingered in her. “You caught me, husband, I just can’t keep my eyes or hands off you.”

“Then I suppose I have no choice. Whenever we’re alone, I’ll have to stay naked around you.”

“You’ll get no argument with me on that,” Snow said and yawned.

“You’re tired. You need to rest,” Tarass said and went to ease away from her.

“No, stay a while longer with me,” Snow pleaded, holding on to him and returning her head to rest on his shoulder.

“Did you hear all of what Conall had confessed?” he asked, ready to tell her if she hadn’t.

“Aye, I did, and how sad that he didn’t realize that he, not your da, was the one responsible for what happened to him. His lies and greed came before all else. He truly cared for no one but himself,” she said. “Though, there’s a piece to the puzzle I don’t understand.”

Tarass hugged her close, needing to feel her tight against him and know she was safe. “What is it?”

She looked up at him, seeing things about his face she had never gotten to see before now, a barely noticeable scar under his chin and fine lines at the corner of his blue eyes. It was almost like meeting him for the first time and it filled her saddened heart with joy.

“I don’t see a connection between what happened here and your parents’ departure from your homeland. They would never take you back there if they believed it meant trouble for you.”

“You’re right. I’ve thought the same myself,” he said with a bit of sadness. “Perhaps I’ll never know the answer.”

Snow turned quiet for a moment, then she whispered, “I do so love you, husband.”