“How did Tarass’s da meet Haldana?”

“At the market on a trading trip far north,” Twilla said. “Her people had come to trade as well and from what I’ve heard they fell in love at first sight. When you saw them together, you could see how much they loved each other. His da had been furious when he brought her home and announced he’d wed her, but she won the old lord over and even more so when she had Tarass. It meant the Clan MacFiere would live on, as it will in you and Tarass.”

“I pray for many bairns. I want our life filled with lots of love, laughter, and wonderful memories,” Snow said, keeping the thought strong in her heart.

“I have no doubt your prayers will be answered. You and Tarass will have what his parents had so hoped for and they will live in both of you and your children,” Twilla assured her as if she knew it was so.

Thaw’s bark outside the door brought a smile to Snow. “He’s come to fetch me home.”

“Aye, and home is where you are,” Twilla said and reached out to give Snow’s hand a squeeze.

Twilla opened the door as Snow stood and Thaw ran in, shook the snow off himself, and ran to plop down in front of the hearth.

“He looks to be alone,” Twilla said, taking a quick glance outside before shutting the door against the wind and light snow.

“I guess he wandered away from Nettle,” Snow said, knowing Thaw would be urging her to follow him if anything had happened to the young woman. “Nettle probably got lost in conversation with Rannock and doesn’t even know Thaw has deserted her.”

“The two are warming to each other. It won’t be long before they realize they were made for each other,” Twilla said.

Snow stood. “I have heard the yawns you’ve tried to hide. It is time for me to take my leave.”

“I’m old. I yawn all the time, and you can’t think to leave without Nettle,” Twilla said.

“Thaw will guide me home,” Snow said confidently and Thaw barked as if agreeing.

“You should wait,” Twilla urged.

“Thaw and I will do well. Worry not,” Snow said and after slipping on her cloak and gloves, gave Twilla a hug and stepped outside. “Take us to the keep, Thaw.”

The wind had grown stronger, whippingwiping at her face as she tried to make out shapes, but the wind and swirling snow made it difficult.

Snow kept her hood pulled low and her face averted from the wind as best she could and followed slowly as Thaw tugged her along. She stopped suddenly when she thought she heard someone cry out and when Thaw pressed against her leg and barked, she knew he had heard it as well.

The cry came again and it sounded like someone in distress. What if someone was hurt?

Snow looked around trying to make out any moving shape, but all was still, the snowstorm keeping most indoors.

The cries of distress continued and Thaw whined. He was impatient to hurry off and see what was wrong, but he would not leave her side without permission.

Snow made a hasty and she hoped not unwise decision. “Someone needs help, Thaw, take me to the person.”

Thaw barked, grabbed the hem of her garment in his mouth and took off at a pace that had Snow slipping and sliding through the snow.

She listened as the moans grew closer and called out, “Who’s there? Are you hurt?”

“Help,” could be heard in the lingering moan.

When Thaw suddenly stopped and growled, fear nipped at Snow. Someone was there. Someone Thaw didn’t like.

“It’s Fasta, I need help.”

Snow hesitated. A sudden thought that this could be a trap grew her fear. “Are you injured?”

“I’m in terrible pain. It’s what made me collapse.”

Snow heard her fear and her trembling voice betrayed her tears.

“I’m going to die,” Fasta cried.

“No, I’ll get help,” Snow said.

“I prayed for help and what was sent me? A blind, useless woman,” Fasta said bitterly.

Snow ignored her disparaging remark. “Thaw, we need help. Go get Tarass.”

Thaw barked and didn’t move.

“He’s as useless as you,” Fasta said.

Snow patted her upper thigh and Thaw jumped up, resting his front paws there. “I know you don’t like Fasta, but you must do as I say. Go and hurry. Get Tarass.”

He barked at the strong command in her voice and took off running.

“We need to get you out of the snow and someplace warm,” Snow said, leaning down, her hand stretched out searching for the woman, though worried she might refuse her offer of help. She was surprised when Fasta grabbed onto her hand, squeezing it tight as though she feared letting go.

Snow realized she was laying prone in the snow, which meant she was growing colder by the minute.

“Can you sit up?” Snow asked and with her other hand followed along Fasta’s arm to her shoulder to slip beneath it. “You can’t stay here in the cold.”