Tarass stifled his chuckle as he watched Cleric Norman’s eyes look about to pop out of his head in shock. There had been times Snow’s unruly tongue had frustrated him. This wasn’t one of them.

“I will report this to Abbot Bennett,” Cleric Norman threatened.

“Do as you please, Cleric Norman,” Snow said, “I answer to only one man… my husband.”

Tarass went to the door and opened it, calling out for a servant.

Maude entered and bobbed her head.

“See that the cleric is fed and shelter provided for him, but not in the keep,” Tarass ordered.

Cleric Norman followed the servant out, though not without complaint and warning that they both would be answering to Abbot Bennett for refusing to comply with church doctrine.

Tarass paid him no heed. He said nothing until he and his wife were climbing the stairs to their bedchamber. “So you answer only to your husband?”

Snow chuckled as Thaw guided her up the stairs by the hem of her tunic.

Tarass followed behind, glad to see the pup continuing to learn how to help Snow.

“When I deem it wise to do so,” Snow said with another chuckle.

Tarass said nothing more until they entered their bedchamber and Thaw trotted off, after getting a rub and kiss from Snow, to curl up by the hearth for the night.

“This is not going to go away easily,” Tarass said, placing his hands at her waist and turning her to face him.

Snow fell gently against her husband, her arms going around his waist. “I didn’t think it would, but our love is worth fighting for, don’t you think?”

“I don’t think… I know it is,” he said, “but what I know more is that I want you naked in our bed so I can make endless love to you.”

It wasn’t only that he couldn’t get enough of making love to his wife, it was that the more he made love to her, the more he buried himself deep inside her, the more he laid claim to her, the more she became his, the more they became one, then no one—not the heavens themselves—could separate them.

Snow’s stomach spoke up before she could, grumbling loudly.

Tarass laughed, though disappointment jabbed at him. “It seems there is another part of you that needs feeding first.”

“Food can wait. I want you,” Snow said, running her hand down along his plaid to hastily slip beneath it and take hold of his engorged manhood to gently squeeze and stroke.

“Snow,” he said in a taut warning, knowing he needed to stop her but not wanting to. Her small hand felt so good teasing him with playful tugs and enflaming him even more with her innocent touch, though there was no innocence in her touch.

“I never dreamed I would love the feel of your manhood, but I can’t seem to get enough of it,” she said in a breathy whisper.

“It’s all yours to touch any time you want,” he said, thinking it might not have been wise to tell her that since his wife’s touch brought him much too close to climax, much too fast.

Her stomach betrayed her and rumbled again.

Tarass snarled beneath his breath, though he was sure his wife heard it. “You need to eat first.”

“You were quick once last night in the middle of the night. Can’t we do that now and then take our time later?” she asked eagerly.

“You are a dream come true wife,” he said and hoisted her off her feet to carry her to the bed and drop her down on it.

She was quick to spread her legs and hoist her garments as was he to push his plaid aside and fall between her legs to enter her easily, being she was so wet and ready for him.

He tried to restrain himself, hold back his climax, after only a few strong thrusts. Damn, but his wife could make him lose control, something he’d never done. Never had he barely entered a woman and climaxed, but his wife’s playful manner, whether teasing words or touches, enflamed his passion to the point of no control. And he was there now so close, so ready, so eager to burst with pleasure. But was his wife?

“Snow,” he all but growled, fighting to keep control as he felt her clench him tight when he plunged into her again and again and again. He threw back his head and moaned in sweet agony.

That did it for Snow. She couldn’t see his face, but hearing him moan, un his need told her what she couldn’t see. He was ready and she was relieved since she couldn’t hold on another minute.

“Now, Tarass, now!” she cried out in her own sweet groan.

Tarass let out a roar that Snow feared the whole keep heard or perhaps he wanted it heard, particularly by Cleric Norman. And she joined him, not the least bit concerned who heard either of them. Besides, she couldn’t help it, her climax was so undeniably pleasurable. And each time she felt him release, his seed spill into her, she prayed a seed would take root and a bairn would grow from their love.