“See that the hut is repaired and the body returned there and keep two warriors, front and back of the hut, on guard,” Tarass ordered. “We’ll discuss more on the morrow.”

Snow yawned again as they walked away, Thaw following along with them.

“You need sleep,” Tarass said.

“I was so concerned over marrying Lord Polwarth that I didn’t sleep at all last night, the reason why I am so tired tonight,” she admitted and to prove it true, another yawn escaped her.

Tarass scooped her up in his arms and got a snarling bark from Thaw for it.

“You should have told me,” he said.

Snow didn’t respond, content in her husband’s arms. She might be tired, but it was her wedding night and their vows must be sealed. She almost chuckled, since what she truly wanted was to make love with her husband, and being in her husband’s arms reminded her how she had felt when naked in his arms, and her passion sparked and ignited.

Once Tarass placed her on her feet in their bedchamber and took her cloak, she was eager to shed her garments, but his strong command stopped her.

“Leave your shift on to sleep. The room has chilled and it will keep you warm.” He went to the hearth to add more logs.

“You’ll keep me warm,” she said.

“You need sleep, if I get in bed with you, you will not sleep,” he said with snarl that rivaled Thaw’s.

Her eyes went wide and anger bubbled inside her. “You don’t intend to sleep with me?”

“Not tonight,” he said. “You’re exhausted and need sleep.”

“You decide when I sleep?” she argued.

Tarass did his best to temper his annoyance, but it wasn’t easy. He wanted to say the hell with it and whether she was tired or not, make love to his wife.

“Aye, I’m your husband and know what is best for you, especially when you’re too stubborn to realize it.”

Her mounting anger chased her exhaustion and she nearly ripped her tunic as she tore it off herself and threw it aside.

“You don’t command me when to sleep or what to wear to bed.” She grabbed the sides of her shift to tug it off.

“Don’t dare take that off!” he ordered sharply.

“Or what?” she challenged.

“You will obey me on this, Snow,” he warned. “Leave the shift on and get in bed.”

Thaw raised his head from where he was curled asleep by the hearth and started growling.

Snow stuck her chin up defiantly. “You’re not officially my husband until our vows are sealed so until then I’ll do as I please, and I please to sleep naked.” She yanked off her shift and stood naked, her hands on her hips. “Now what are you going to do?”

“Teach you obedience,” Tarass said.

Chapter 19

“What are you doing? Why is Thaw snarling so badly?” Snow demanded, worried for Thaw, though she knew Tarass would not harm the pup.

“He’s being put out of the room, since he won’t tolerate what I’m about to do to you,” Tarass said.

Snow heard the latch on the door close and Thaw’s barks and scratches against the door, and she hurried forward to rescue the angry pup.

The next thing she knew she was scooped up in her husband’s arms and what happened next shocked her. She found herself thrown over his legs, after he sat on the bed, and his bare hand rested on her backside. Her first thought was to warn him that he better dare not take his hand to her bottom in a punishing manner, but then another thought came to her.

“If a paddling entices you, I suppose I can endure it.”

“It’s not a paddling I had in mind, wife,” Tarass said and his hand gave her backside a squeeze before it slipped between her legs and his finger worked its way ever so slowly and firmly inside her.

She gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you what you want, wife.”

She gasped again when she felt more than one finger enter her and couldn’t hold back another gasp when his other hand slipped underneath her, his finger finding one of her nipples and playing with it until it turned rock hard.

There was no denying that he was bringing her pleasure. Her senses were alive like never before and if he continued, she would certainly experience the satisfaction her sisters had spoken about, and she had never thought she would experience, but…

“I want you inside me. I want our vows sealed.”

Tarass yanked her off his legs and onto her feet, his hands gripping her shoulders. “And our vows will be sealed when you obey me and rest, for God help me, wife, my thirst is too great for you to have you only once this night.”

His hands fell off her and he walked to the door. “Sleep well and I will see you in the morning.”

Snow stood stunned. He had taught her more than he had intended. He might have wanted her to learn to obey him, but she had learned that he would deny himself when he believed her too tired and his passion too demanding. He had put her well-being before her own needs. There was only one problem with his decision.