She felt his manhood, thick and hard, against her leg and for a moment she wondered how he’d fit inside her, then she didn’t care. She wanted him inside her, not only to bring her pleasure but to seal their vows, their love, their life together from this day on.

Thaw’s growl and bark had Tarass ready to leap off the bed and throw the pup out of the room until he realized Thaw wasn’t barking in their direction. He was barking at the door.

“Someone approaches,” he said and hurried off his wife and out of bed to grab his sword. “Stay where you are.”

Snow wrapped the blanket around her, fear chilling her skin and turning it to gooseflesh. Who dared to come to their bedchamber so late? An intruder? Or someone bearing bad news? Either way did not bode well.

Tarass went to stand near the door, sword in hand, taking no chance. Everyone knew it was his wedding night and he was not to be disturbed, he had made it clear. And as much as he didn’t want to believe that someone had gotten passed his sentinels, he had to consider it. Especially now with a wife to protect.

A knock sounded at the door, but still Tarass stood ready.

“It’s me, Rannock.”

“This better be life or death,” Tarass called out and laid aside his sword, then reached for his plaid and wrapped it quickly around him and before opening the door he turned to his wife. “I’m opening the door for Rannock to enter.”

Snow was pleased that he let her know and tightened the blanket around her.

Tarass remained silent when he opened the door, knowing that the news couldn’t be good for his friend to disturb him on his wedding night.

“It took only one person to see it and wake the whole village,” Rannock said. “You need to see it yourself and calm the people.”

“Send Nettle here, then wait in the Great Hall for me,” Tarass ordered.

Rannock nodded and left, Tarass closing the door.

“What is it?” Snow asked anxiously.

“I don’t know,” he said, as he slipped his plaid off to hurry a shirt on and wrap his plaid around him. “But since Rannock disturbed me on our wedding night, it can’t be good. Nettle will stay with you while I’m gone.”

“I’ll go with you,” Snow said, rushing out of bed and bumping into a chair as she searched for her clothes. His hand was on her arm in an instant.

“You’ll stay here,” he ordered and walked her back to the bed.

“I want to go with you,” she insisted.

“Get into bed, wife, and stay there.”

His demanding tone spoke louder than his words and Snow held her tongue and got into bed, pulling the covers around her.

Thaw barked again, though wagged his tail this time.

“Nettle is here,” Tarass said and opened the door.

“My lord,” she said with a bob of her head.

Tarass could tell by her disheveled appearance that she had rushed to dress and he was glad the lass hadn’t wasted any time in getting here.

“You’ll stay with Lady Snow,” he commanded and Nettle bobbed her head again.

“I hope not to be long, wife,” he said and was out the door.

Snow was out of bed as soon as she heard the door latch. “Fetch my clothes, Nettle.”

“Aye, m’lady,” Nettle said and went to the chest against one of the walls and started hunting through it.

“Do you know what happened?” Snow asked.

“No, I came straight here. I didn’t hear or see anything and Rannock wouldn’t tell me anything until my endless questions annoyed him so much that he at least let me know that I was being summoned to stay with you while Lord Tarass tended to an urgent matter.”

“I can’t wait here. I must know what’s going on,” Snow said.

“I’m curious myself,” Nettle said.

“Help me dress and we’ll see what we can find out,” Snow urged pleased that Nettle was as curious as her.

Snow ran her hand over the soft wool shift Nettle got her into and an equally soft tunic she placed over it.

“These are lovely,” Snow commented, the soft wool warming her chilled body.

“They belonged to Lord Tarass’s mum. She was petite, but courageous from what I’m told. She was much like you.”

Snow was surprised that Nettle thought her courageous and pleased to learn something about Tarass’s mum. But there was no time to linger on those thoughts. She needed to find out what was going on. She was in the dark enough with no sight. She didn’t want to be more in the dark and not aware of what went on in her new home.

Thaw followed the two women down the stairs, Nettle guiding Snow’s steps.

The crisp, cold air stung Snow’s face as soon as she stepped outside and she pulled her hood up over her head to block the wind and snow.