“And I you, ást,” he murmured and kissed the top of her head.

Willow returned with Slatter carrying a tray of food and they both stopped at the open door when they saw Snow asleep, her head on her husband’s shoulder and Tarass asleep, his head resting on the top of his wife’s head, and them both wrapped snug around each other.

Slatter left the tray of food on the small table and with an arm around his wife, ushered her out the door, closing it behind him.

Chapter 35

A year later.

“I can’t believe you got Ruddock to stay through the winter,” Willow said, rocking her sleeping five-month-old son, Angus, in her arms.

“I didn’t miss the birth of your son and you two were here for Tiernan’s birth,” Sorrell said, looking down at her three-month-old son sleeping peacefully in her arms. “I’m certainly not going to miss the birth of Snow’s bairn. Besides, it’s taken this long for her to tell me everything that has happened and I still have questions for her.”

“You’ve asked me endless questions, no more,” Snow demanded with a smile.

“She’s gotten so commanding since she’s gotten her sight back,” Sorrell said with a grin. “And I’m still annoyed that I was the last one to know.”

“Live closer and you would have known sooner,” Snow said.

“See what I mean. She has an answer for everything now,” Sorrell said.

“That’s because she’s married to a man who knows everything,” Tarass said, entering Snow’s solar.

Snow smiled and went to greet her husband with a kiss, but she had rounded greatly and getting up and out of chairs had grown burdensome.

“Stay,” Tarass ordered and went to her, his arm disappearing low at her back to help her up. “Twilla is asking for you. She is not doing well.”

“I should go to her,” Willow said.

“No, she asked to speak with Snow alone,” Tarass said.

Thaw stretched his big body after getting up from where he lay by the warm hearth and went to Snow, ready to follow along with her.

“I can’t believe the size of him,” Sorrell said. “And here I thought he’d be the runt of the litter.”

Snow laughed and patted his head. “He’s far from a runt.”

Both bairns started stirring in their mum’s arms.

“Feeding time,” Willow said.

“We’ll be here when you get back,” Sorrell said.

“Which means she has more questions for you, Snow,” Willow said with a chuckle.

Nettle was waiting in the Great Hall with their cloaks.

“How are you feeling?” Snow asked Nettle.

“After morning sickness leaves me, I feel wonderful,” Nettle said while Tarass slipped his wife’s cloak on her shoulders before taking his from Nettle.

“She needs to rest more,” Rannock said, entering the Great Hall and frowning at her.

“My husband causes me more upset than his bairn I carry,” Nettle said, sending Rannock a smile.

“I worry over you and the bairn,” Rannock said, admitting guilt.

“There is no need. The bairn has seven months to go before he enters this world and by then you’ll have driven me and him mad with your constant concern.”

“It’s my duty as your husband,” Rannock said, planting his hands on his hips as he came to a stop in front of his wife.

With an arm around Snow, Tarass led her quietly away from the arguing couple.

Snow laughed as they stepped outside to a light falling snow. “I think Rannock likes arguing with his wife.”

Tarass grinned. “He likes more when they make up.”

Snow’s smile faded. “You haven’t touched me in—”

“You were far too uncomfortable the last time and too stubborn to admit it,” he said gently, keeping a firm arm around her as they went down the steps.

Snow sighed heavily. “You’re right. I was uncomfortable, though not so much stubborn as disappointed. I knew the wise decision would be to abstain these last couple of weeks until the bairn was born, but the thought of not feeling you inside me for that long was too much to accept.”

“Believe me when I say I miss being inside you, hearing you moan with pleasure and almost bring the roof down when you scream in climax.” He laughed when she elbowed him in the side. He patted her rounded stomach when they reached the bottom of the steps. “Besides, I don’t think the little lad likes when I come knocking.”

“He or perhaps she does make a fuss when we couple,” Snow admitted.

Tarass took her hand as they headed into the village. “It won’t be long before I’m inside you all the time.”

“I can’t wait,” Snow said on another sigh.

“Either can I,” Tarass said, fighting the arousal that crept up on him.

“I’ll be back for you,” Tarass said when they reached Twilla’s place and kissed his wife’s cheek.

“Take Thaw with you. I can tell he’s anxious to go and explore.” Snow watched them walk off, Thaw jumping up and down excited to be out in the snow.