“I appreciate the information, Nettle,” Tarass said.

Nettle bobbed her head and hurried up the keep stairs.

“It is good to have trusted eyes and ears in the clan,” Slatter said. “I have the same myself.”

“My da taught me the importance of it,” Tarass said, his brow narrowing at a sudden thought. “I need to see to something. Would you take Thaw to Snow? I won’t be long.”

“Of course, but take what time you need,” Slatter said and looked to the pup standing next to Tarass’s leg. “Come on, Thaw. Come with me.”

Thaw looked up at Tarass.

“Go with Slatter, Thaw. He’ll take you to Snow,” Tarass ordered and hearing Snow’s name the pup ran up the keep steps, Slatter following several steps behind him.

Tarass made his way to Twilla’s place and knocked on the door.

The door opened slowly, Twilla resting her hand on her lower back. “This cold has these old bones aching.” She stepped back, making room for Tarass to enter.

Tarass cast an annoyed glance at the hearth where small flames barley flickered. He went straight to it and got more annoyed when he found no firewood in her basket. He went outside and grabbed wood from the pile several of the cottages shared and brought them inside. In no time, he had a fire blazing.

“Sit by the heat,” he ordered, placing a chair in front of the hearth and once Twilla sat, he wrapped a blanket around her. “I will have someone see that your fire remains strong. You should have told me how difficult it has been for you.”

“I don’t like to be a burden,” Twilla said, tears threatening her eyes.

“You’re not a burden and it is my duty to see everyone in my clan kept safe. After all, we are family.”

“You’re much like your father,” she said with a smile, keeping her unfallen tears at bay.

Tarass grabbed the other chair and placed it near Twilla and sat. “Da told me that I could always trust you. You know more about the clan and my family than anyone. If my da was an honorable man, why would someone want revenge against him?”

“Revenge?” Twilla asked, shaking her head slowly. “I know no one who would want revenge against your da, except, of course, Lord Polwarth, but that is settled. Your da was respected here in his homeland.”

“Then why leave here?” Tarass asked the question he had asked repeatedly and never gotten an answer to.

“I have no answer for you,” Twilla said sadly.

“I think you do and I hope someday you will trust me with it.”

Snow tried not to yawn, but she had already managed to keep her husband from seeing a few yawns and this one she just couldn’t hide. If he thought her tired, he wouldn’t make love with her tonight and she so wanted to make love with him. She loved her husband like mad, but when they made love she felt as if they truly became one, that there was no separating them, that their love had become whole. It was like nothing she had ever felt before and she knew she’d only ever feel it with Tarass.

“You’re tired,” Tarass said, leaning down from where he sat in the chair beside her on the dais to plant his face close to hers.

“A little,” she said, trying to make light of it.

“I’m tired,” Willow said, a huge yawn confirming it. “It’s been a good day and since we’ll be staying for at least three days, there’s plenty of time for us to spend together.”

“Your sister is not only reasonable but wise as well,” Tarass said.

“Actually, she’s not being completely truthful,” Slatter whispered not that softly and with a wicked smile. “She really can’t wait to get me in bed and ravish me.”

“Slatter!” Willow said, her cheeks burning red as she jabbed him in the arm.

Snow chuckled along with her husband.

Slatter wrapped his arms around his wife, hugging her as he laughed. “Deny it, wife, go ahead, and deny it if you can.”

“You’re incorrigible,” she chastised.

Slatter snuggled his cheek against hers. “I’m not incorrigible, I’m loveable and that’s why you can’t keep your hands off me.”

“Slatter, so help me!” Willow scolded, her cheeks flaming.

“Aye, wife, I’ll help you straight to bed where you can have your way with me,” he teased and stood, then scooped his wife out of her seat into his arms. “A pleasant night to you all!”

Snow laughed, hearing her sister scold Slatter as he carried her off. She turned to her husband and placed her hand on his chest, about to be as honest with him as Slatter had been with Willow.

“It’s been a busy day, you’re tired, and lovemaking can wait,” Tarass said before she could get a word out. When she turned a wicked little smile on him, he knew he was in trouble, but he intended to be obeyed on this. “You will do as I say, Snow.”