Snow poked him in the chest. “That would mean you’re in danger and need to take precautions.”

“As do you, since your family now as well,” he said, angry that he had placed her in danger by marrying her.

“I don’t believe so,” Snow said. “This person wanted your family dead before I came along.”

“Which would have basically ended the MacFiere lineage, not so now that we’re wed and you carry my child.” The realization flared his anger.

Snow couldn’t argue with that premise. “Then we both need to be cautious and see that the culprit among us is caught soon.” Her stomach grumbled.

“You need to eat,” Tarass said, another grumble from her stomach confirming it for him.

“I would prefer to slip under the blankets with you and have you slip inside me, but I’m famished… for food this time,” Snow admitted with some disappointment.

Tarass chuckled. “It’s cold and gray outside. We can return here later and spend time warming each other.”

“I can’t wait,” she said.

Mid-day found Snow walking through the village with Nettle and Thaw, her husband busy talking with Rannock in regard to the sentinels that patrolled the village. They came upon Runa leaving Helga’s cottage.

“How does Helga’s new bairn do, Runa?” Nettle asked, letting Snow know who she spoke to.

Snow looked at the woman, fuzzy, but at least not a blur. Her face wasn’t clear, but her blonde hair was bright enough to see the color.

“The little lassie does well and Helga’s thrilled she has a daughter after having two lads,” Runa said and looked to Snow. “And how are you feeling, Lady Snow? Rumors say you’re with child.”

“Time will tell,” Snow said, not ready to confirm anything yet.


The three women turned at Nettle’s name being called out.

“It’s Helga’s husband, John,” Nettle said to let Snow know who approached.

“I know who you should be talking to about bringing harm to our clan,” John said, stopping by Nettle. “Fasta, that’s who. She’s a liar and cares not who she harms with her lies.”

“What has she lied about?” Snow asked well aware the woman had a penchant for lying.

“Lady Snow,” John said with a respectful bob of his head. “I’m sorry to intrude, but if someone is bringing harm to this clan it most certainly has to be Fasta. Her lies have hurt my marriage. She claims to have miscarried my bairn when that’s impossible. I’ve never cheated on Helga. I have no reason to. She is a good wife to me and a wonderful mum to our bairns. I would never chance losing what we have together. Besides, I’ve loved my wife since we were young. There’s no other woman for me.”

“We both know that, John, and that’s all that matters, so stop bothering Lady Snow,” Helga said from the open doorway.

“No, it’s not all that matters,” John insisted. “I’ll not have my good name sullied. Fasta is a menace to this clan. Besides, if she lied about me what else has she lied about.”

“I will speak to my husband about this, John, and see what can be done,” Snow said.

“I would be most grateful, m’lady,” John said and hurried into the cottage.

“If John wasn’t the father of the miscarried bairn, who was?” Nettle asked.

“I found it difficult to believe that John was the father of Fasta’s bairn,” Runa said. “He and Helga seemed so much in love and though she delivered their bairns easily, he still worried over her. He begged me to make sure nothing happened to her. He told me that he couldn’t live without her.”

“Why would Fasta lie about him?” Snow asked.

“Because that’s what Fasta does, at least since I’ve known her,” Nettle said and looked to Runa. “You have known her longer. Has she a fondness for lying?”

“I can’t say I know Fasta well. She only joined the tribe—clan—a short time before we all arrived here.”

That caught Snow’s attention and she planned to discuss it with Tarass as soon as possible.

Snow continued walking with Nettle, Thaw exploring anything that caught his interest as they went along when he stopped suddenly and started barking, then took off.

“Thaw’s tail wags as he runs,” Nettle said.

“Someone is nearby that he knows and likes,” Snow said. “Let’s hurry and see who it is.”

Snow wasn’t far from the keep when her name was shouted with delight.


Snow squealed with joy at the sound of Willow’s voice and when she caught partial sight of her sister’s form, she ran to her.

Chapter 31

Tarass watched from the top of the keep steps as his wife and her sister squealed like young lassies and hugged each other tight. Thaw even jumped up at Willow, his tail wagging madly as he vied for attention. Willow and her husband, Slatter’s visit was unexpected, but he was pleased they were here. Snow had missed her sister and with her possibly being with child, it would help her to talk with Willow, who was beginning to round with child herself.