He almost jolted off the bed when her hand took hold of his manhood and began to caress it. He closed his eyes and got lost in her innocent playfulness until she began to instinctively tug on it.

His hands went to her waste and he gently flipped her on her back, covering her body with his. “Enough, wife, or this will be over far too soon.”

She smiled. “But then we get to do it again and again and again.”

He laughed softly. “As many times as you want, mo ghaol.”

She rested her hand to his cheek. “I want you, husband, always.”

All the intimate touches that had ever stirred him couldn’t compare to how her words fired his passion.

“Love me. Love me now and seal our vows and bind us together forever,” she whispered and faintly brushed her lips across his.

At that moment Slatter felt what it was like to be lost in love. He wanted nothing more than to join them together forever, seal them as one so that no one could ever tear them apart.

He wanted to be as gentle as possible with her, not bring her any pain, since this was her first time, but neither of them had patience. She was as eager as he and between their kisses and intimate touches there was no going slow.

“Now! I need you now!” Willow all but screamed.

Slatter felt the same, far too close to not being able to hold back any longer.

He entered her slowly, but that wouldn’t do for Willow and she lurched up to meet him and that was it. Slatter drove into her and they both let out a gasp of pleasure. They were soon lost in passion, mindless of anything but the consuming pleasure building uncontrollably in them.

“Slatter!” Willow screamed as her passion erupted in a blinding climax.

Slatter joined her, an uncontrollable roar erupting from deep inside him, his release so powerful he couldn’t contain it.

Passion rushed like a mighty wave through Willow, ebbing and flowing until it settled into a ripple that shivered her senseless. She shut her eyes, soaking in every last ripple and shiver and feeling overjoyed that this was something they could enjoy over and over again.

Slatter’s limbs had never turned weak when he climaxed, but they did now. He barely had the strength to hold his weight so he wouldn’t collapse on his wife. He was still reeling from the intensity of his release and while he would have loved to remain inside his wife a bit longer, he feared he would collapse on her and he didn’t want to hurt her.

He went to pull out of her.

“Not yet,” she cried, grabbing hold of his arms and she wiggled as if unsettled, beneath him and suddenly shuddered, her eyes shutting tight as she let out a small gasping sigh.

He was surprised, though enjoyed seeing his wife climax again and he told himself to remember that for the next time and make sure to escalate her second climax.

When her hands fell away from his arms, he eased out of her and rolled off to settle alongside her, pulling the blanket over them as he did. They lay on their backs for a few minutes, gathering their breath and letting their rapidly beating hearts calm.

After a few moments, Slatter reached over to tuck his wife in the crook of his arm. She eagerly settled against him, resting her head on his chest and thinking of all the things she wanted to say, but remained silent, enjoying the pounding of his heart that had yet to calm.

Sleep claimed Willow quickly and Slatter lay there, an overwhelming sense of contentment washing over him. He’d found something he thought impossible… love. His wife actually loved him and he loved her so much that at times it frightened him. He couldn’t bear to lose her. He’d be a broken man if he did with no wont to live. He had a duty now as a husband and it was that duty that he would see to before anything. It was that duty that would change his life more ways than his wife would ever know.

Sleep finally intruded on his thoughts and his eyes closed and he slipped into a contended sleep.

Slatter woke before his wife the next morning. He lay on his side wrapped around her. His body heat had kept her warm, what logs left in the hearth only giving off a small glow. He’d get up and add more logs soon, but first he wanted to linger with his wife, feel her warmth, and caress her soft skin. She felt so good and he warned himself to be good, let her sleep, don’t stir her awake, but then his innocent touch had done more than stir him. He had grown aroused and if not careful, he’d be slipping inside her as she woke.