
The thought was like a punch to her stomach, chasing the flutters away. Her mum had been the only one who ever told her that.

He mesmerizes women with his devilish tongue.

The guard’s warning echoed in her head.

“You met me one time and only for a short while. You don’t know me at all,” she said, annoyed that he assumed to.

“One time was all I needed. Your focus had been on my wound, nothing else. The few questions you asked concerned only my wound. Not only did the guard at the door inquire about something that had been ailing him, but several other guards stopped to ask you about their ailments as well, yet not one offered a pleasant greeting or inquired about you. And you paid no heed when I asked any question pertaining to you. It was as if you didn’t even hear me.”

“Did you not think that could have been on purpose?”

“I considered it briefly, but with how easily I charm women I quickly dismissed it. The conclusion was obvious. You think on others needs and wants and never your own… not ever. You’re so accustomed to it that you ignore even the friendliest phrase, leannan,” he said, his dark eyes holding a hint of a challenge.

“Do you actually think it appropriate that you refer to me as sweetheart while in this situation?”

“I should wait until we get out of here to be sweet and kind to you?”

Once again she felt his small rumble of laughter, their bodies just too close not to.

“I expect you to be practical and honorable,” she warned.

“Practical isn’t in my nature. Honorable?” His smile faded. “That would depend on what you consider honorable.”

“An honorable man wouldn’t set fire to two of my clan’s structures.”

Before he could respond a laughing voice called out, “Up and out!”

Slatter hated to dash her hopes that she was being released, but better she knew. “I’ve been let out in the morning to eat and to see to my needs, then again before nightfall.”

Willow couldn’t hide her disappointment. Yesterday she’d only had to spend the night down here and most of it was spent sleeping from exhaustion. How would she be able to last an entire day?

The wooden grate was moved off the top and Geary called down, “Send her up, Slatter.”

“Don’t let her fall, Geary,” Slatter called out.

“You just hold her good and tight until we get a grip on her,” Rob yelled back.

“I need to get a good hold of your legs and bottom to get you up to them.”

She was afraid to ask, but she hurried the words out. “Which means?”

“I need to get my hands under your garments again.”

“Why under them?” she asked, though knew well why and he said what she had thought herself.

“If I try to lift you with my hands on top of your garments, you could more easily slip from my grasp and that could prove disastrous for us both.”

“Come on, Slatter, or you both can stay down there until later,” Rob yelled down.

“Hurry and let’s get this done,” Willow said eager to get out of the hole if only for a while.

Slatter didn’t wait a minute longer. He wanted it done as quickly as she did. He bunched her garments up and rested his hands to her bare backside. He was reminded how round and firm she was to the touch and he pushed the thought from his mind. At least he tried to.

“Put your hands on my shoulders and as I lift you, give yourself a push up, then stretch your arms up,” he instructed.

Willow nodded, trying desperately to ignore the strength of his hands on her bare backside.

“Now,” he said.

She pushed as he lifted and she stretched her arms up as if reaching for the sky. His hands slipped down to her thighs and continued pushing her up and up. Hands grabbed at her arms, yanking and pulling, and she winced and was never so relieved when she found herself deposited on the ground. She took great gulps of the chilled air and sat, her legs aching from standing for so long.

When she watched a ladder being lowered down to Slatter, she got annoyed. Then she realized that there hadn’t been enough room for a ladder with them both in there, and she certainly wouldn’t have been able to lift Slatter up. She had to have been the one to go first.

It felt good to sit, get off her feet, and she intended to do so until she was forced to stand. She watched as Slatter rose out of the hole and hurried to turn her head just before his entire nakedness was exposed. Then she heard clapping and hooting and she turned back to see Slatter bowing gallantly to a group of women a few feet away.

“You look lovely as always, my dear ladies,” Slatter said and threw a kiss to them.