Robert choked on his words. “You are my son. You killed me without thought.”

“No, I didn’t. I killed you to protect my family. You die leaving no heir. Your name will vanish along with the memory of you and your son.”

Robert’s breathing turned shallow. “I live on in you.”

“Never. My children will know the memory of the man who truly was a father to me. Your name will never leave my lips. You are no more.”

Robert fought to speak, but he had no breath left and he tried to raise the dagger in a futile attempt to have it end otherwise and fell back on the bed dead.

Slatter threw a blanket over him and left the room.

“My father doesn’t wish to be disturbed until morning,” Slatter said to the first servant he saw and left the MacBlair keep without a backward glance or an ounce of regret.

Willow stood by the window in the bedchamber watching the snow accumulate against the window, the dark night obscuring everything else from view. It had been over a week since she’d last seen her husband and each day he didn’t return home, her worry mounted.

She had told everyone that her husband had an important matter to see to and he’d be home soon. No one questioned her explanation, but she knew many didn’t believe her. All except Snow.

“He’ll be home soon,” Snow would say every day.

And every day that he didn’t return, she feared he had died.

She pressed her hand to her stomach. She prayed and prayed that wasn’t so since she had something important to tell him.

The door opened slowly and she didn’t turn to look since Seanmhair had a habit of stopping by at night to see how she was.

“Pining away for me?”

Willow turned, tears rushing from her eyes as she rushed to her husband’s open arms.

She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face against his chest sobbing.

Slatter scooped her up and carried her to the bed and sat cradling her in his lap. Her sobs tore at his heart. “All is well. I’m well. Don’t cry, mo ghaol. I’m home and home is where I’ll stay.”

She couldn’t stop sobbing as she spoke. “I… thought… I…lost you. My fault.”

“No. No, not your fault, mo ghaol. It had to be done.” His grandmother would have explained everything to her so she wouldn’t think he had left her and would never return. He knew if he had explained it all, his wife would have either insisted on going with him or have followed him and he hadn’t wanted that. “It’s over, finished. We’re free. No more past to haunt me.”

Her sobs eased. “You’re never to go away like that again. You can never go anywhere without me.”

She wanted to know that he would be the Slayer no more. That it was done and over and that was fine with him. He’d served as the Slayer for enough years. Now he wanted something else. He wanted a good life with his wife.

He kissed her wet cheeks. “I have no problem with that, wife, though,” he said with a twinkle in his dark eyes. “You do owe the Slayer.”

She couldn’t keep a small smile from surfacing. “And what is it he wants from me?”

He brushed his lips across hers and whispered, “Your love always and forever.”

“You already have that, though there is something I can give you.” She took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

He looked at her oddly then his eyes turned wide. “Truly?”

“Aye,” she said.

He pressed his hand protectively over her stomach. “I don’t think I could be any happier than at this moment.”

Willow grinned. “I think I can make you happier.”

Slatter chuckled and lifted her as he stood. “Let’s see you try.”

They went down together on the bed and made each other both very very happy.

Chapter 29

Two weeks later

Chaos reigned in the village. Slatter’s people had arrived and what was left of Beck’s people had arrived two days ago, having been given a choice of remaining with Tarass’s clan or residing with Slatter. They had all chosen to stay with Slatter.

Gray skies and cold weather promised a winter storm. They had to get everyone settled fast. They didn’t need any interruptions, which was why Willow got annoyed when Tarass arrived with a troop of his warriors.

Willow sent Eleanor to alert Snow to Tarass’s arrival, but Snow was a distance away, Thaw busy playing with some children so she didn’t think there’d be a problem. At least she hoped not.

James came forward to greet Tarass.

“I want to talk with Slatter and Willow. I have a proposal for them,” he said after dismounting.

James waved Slatter and Willow over.

Tarass didn’t give James a chance to explain. “In appreciation for seeing Rhodes killer caught and the other information you provided me with, I’d like to offer you and Willow a keep of your own where you can start your own clan with your people. Of course, I’d expect you to pledge your allegiance to me like the old laird had.”