Willow had to take a moment to get her bearings when her husband ended the kiss and it took another moment for her to realize why he had kissed her. He had heard someone approach and was quick to make it look like they had snuck off together.

“A secret rendezvous,” Willow said, turning with a smile.

“Your brother is wiser than to believe such a foolish explanation,” Slatter said. “I didn’t know who approached and anyone other than your brother might have believed we were having a playful rendezvous.”

“And the truth is?” James asked.

“I was taking my leave. I thought the culprit would follow me and danger to your clan would cease. However, Willow pointed out a flaw in my plan. I also intended to go fetch my people and bring them here, since I worry that this madman may not stop at hurting anyone connected with me.”

“Even though I ordered otherwise?” James asked.

“I respect you, James, but I don’t take orders well and I protect the small group of people who have come to rely on me as you protect your clan. Willow told me that you changed your mind and I appreciate that, but I need to do what is best for my people.”

“I’m a man of my word and I will not renege on it. Your people are welcome here. I would ask for your word, though I’m not sure how much it is worth, that you remain here until this matter is settled.”

Slatter hesitated and he didn’t miss the disappointed look on his wife’s face.

“I ask for your word not for me, but for Willow,” James said. “It would not bode well for her if you simply leave without an explanation. I will not see her hurt and humiliated in front of her clan and in front of Lord Tarass and also when Lord Ruddock learns of it.”

Willow had been so willing to leave with her husband that she hadn’t given the consequences of her actions thought of what it might have done to others. And the thought upset her greatly.

“I would never do anything to intentionally hurt Willow,” Slatter said.

“It’s never what we do intentionally that hurts. It’s what we don’t do, but what we should do. I could care less what happened to you except that if anything did happen to you, I know how much my sister would suffer. And my sister has suffered enough already. So I ask again, will you give me your word that you will remain here and see this matter settled?”

“I will see this matter settled, on that you have my word. As for remaining here, I don’t know if this matter will take me away to see it settled and, therefore, I cannot give you my word.”

“At least you give me the truth this time,” James said. “I will have men leave tomorrow to escort your people here. And you know that now I have no choice but to place extra guards around you.”

Slatter nodded.

“We should return to the keep before someone searches and cannot find you,” James said.

Willow didn’t hesitate, she walked past James and didn’t stop, a worry creeping through her that she couldn’t stop. It didn’t take long for her husband and James to catch up with her and when her husband went to take her hand, she moved away from him.

“I need to return this food to the kitchen,” she said, holding up the sack, not bothering to glance at either man.

She hadn’t thought that her husband would leave and not return to her, but listening to what he said to James gave her pause to think about it. If he could tell her he loved her and leave without a word, what would stop him from ever doing so? Would he wake one day, tell her he loved her, and be gone forever? What if she got with child and he left them both? Was she a fool for believing him more honorable than he actually was? Had she let love blind her to the truth?

After she was done in the kitchen, she went to the Great Hall to find her sister to let her know she wasn’t leaving and stopped when she saw Slatter talking to her. He caught her eye and she could tell he was there purposely waiting for her.

She stopped Eleanor who was about to rush past her to James. “Would you tell Snow that I’ll see her in the morning?” And before the young woman could respond, Willow hurried off.

Willow went to see how Sara was doing.

“Has she stirred, Carna?” Willow asked, after entering the room and going to rest a gentle hand on the old woman’s brow and glad to find no fever.

“She has and she drinks the brew each time. She does well, I think.”

“She does and you do well watching over her. I will look in on her in the morning.”