Slatter barely reached Walcott when Beck called out.

“You can’t leave without my gift to you.”

Willow turned with Slatter.

“I feel responsible for throwing you two together, so it wouldn’t be proper for me to send you off in an improper manner.” Beck grinned, though his eyes narrowed. “I told you she belonged to you, but she has to belong to you properly if you intend to leave here with her.”

Willow moved closer to Slatter and his arm tightened possessively around her.

“What game do you play now, Beck?” Slatter demanded.

“A woman only belongs to a man if she’s wed to him. So if you want to leave here with her, you’ll wed her,” Beck commanded, leaving no doubt he meant what he said.

Slatter thought quickly, whispering to Willow. “It’s a handfasting he wants and we can see that easily absolved once we leave here.”

He was right. Handfasting was common among the Highlanders unless, of course, a cleric married a couple. It was more permanent in the eyes of the church. The handfasting could be done without difficulty.

She nodded.

“We’ll wed,” Slatter called out.

“They wed,” Beck called out and the people who had gathered to watch cheered.

Walcott cast a doubtful eye at Slatter.

“It will be done and undone quickly,” Slatter whispered to him.

“I would not trust Beck if I were you,” Walcott warned.

Willow’s stomach roiled, thinking the same.

“My gift,” Beck shouted out and a cleric stepped out of the longhouse. “Now you can wed properly.”

Chapter 5

“Are you hesitating, Slatter? If you are, I’ll gladly take the woman off your hands. I know how averse you are to having a wife. I can’t say I blame you with the way the lassies so eagerly chase after you. Why settle for one woman, when you can have many? So what say you? Will you wed the woman?” Beck challenged.

Willow felt fear race through her clear down to her toes. What did she do now? Wed and be stuck with a man who wants nothing to do with a wife? Or did she take her chances with Beck and hope that Ruddock’s warriors had managed to make it to her home and James had gathered enough men to come to her rescue? Or would word have been sent to Ruddock and his warriors were on the way to find her now. That meant time though and anything could happen before they reached her.

“Of course, you could refuse to wed him,” Beck said, giving Willow a choice.

“Not an option,” Slatter said. “You gave your word.”

“And I’m keeping my word. Like I told you, the only way a woman truly belongs to a man is if he weds her. You shouldn’t have poked her if you didn’t want to wed her.” Beck laughed hardily. “Thought you had me, didn’t you, but I got you on this one, Slatter.” He snapped his hand. “Now give her over to me and be on your way.”

“Like I said, not an option. We wed,” Slatter said.

Beck turned to Willow. “What say you? Do you want to wed this rogue and be stuck with him forever?”

Willow wanted to ask what other options were available, but Beck wouldn’t be honest with her.

“No need to ask her,” Slatter said. “She’s mine now and I’ll make the decision for us both.”

“That’s it, take charge from the start, so she knows her place,” Beck said, keeping his eyes on Willow.

Willow greatly disliked the situation she was in, but that didn’t help her any. If she wanted to get home, then she had to be practical about this. She would wed him and see what could be done to absolve their marriage.

“My place will be beside my husband and I will be a good wife to him,” Willow said. She had no worry that Slatter would take what she said literally, since he had considered her an intelligent woman and would do the sensible thing.

Beck laughed again, though not a belly shaking laugh. “And what about you, Slatter? You’ll be a faithful and loving husband?”

Slatter didn’t hesitate. “Every day of our lives together.”

Willow smiled, his words clearly letting her know that he too intended to find a way to absolve the marriage. It made exchanging vows with him that much easier.

“Bless you both,” Beck said.

Willow didn’t care for Beck’s sly grin. The man always seemed to be one step ahead, as if making sure no one could best him. What else did his devious mind have planned since no doubt he had expected his gift to be rejected?

“Let’s be done with this. I want to be on my way,” Slatter said.

“I never thought you’d be so eager to wed.” Beck chuckled. “But I suppose miracles do happen.” He turned to the cleric. “Come, Cleric, and wed the loving couple, so they may start the rest of their lives together.”

The ceremony was brief and not a single word of congratulations was offered to them from anyone.