Willow wasn’t so sure about that. When they had been taken out of the hole for supper, she had watched Rob and Geary cast chuckles and whispers their way. Slatter had been too busy speaking with Kevin, as he had promised Maddie he would, to notice. Something was brewing and she didn’t have a good feeling about it.

Her worries had her stir a bit in his arms. Yesterday their combined body heat had helped keep them warm, but it had turned colder tonight and it felt as if the cold had settled down into the hole, wrapping around them like a chilling blanket. Or perhaps she was so concerned with tomorrow that she couldn’t get warm.

How did she trust him to take her home? She wanted to believe that he would, but since he lied with ease and little to no regret, how did she trust him? And if that wasn’t enough to cause her concern, there was the kiss.

Why had he kissed her? There was no reason for him to. No one was watching them. Had it been because it had been too long since he tasted a woman’s lips? Was she simply convenient? Or should she be asking herself why she enjoyed it? And what would have happened if Maddie and her husband hadn’t come along? Would it have gone farther than a kiss?

Don’t be foolish, Willow. You would have stopped him,” she scolded herself silently. You would not have let him take advantage of the situation. He is a liar and do-no-good and you would not get yourself involved with such a disreputable man.

“What troubles you, Willow?”

She jumped, startled that he was awake and his voice was filled with such sincerity.

Slatter quickly hugged her tight, stilling her. “Careful, we don’t want to disturbed the walls of our lovely abode.”

“You startled me. I thought you were asleep,” she said, settling in his arms.

“I felt your unease.”

“I woke you? I’m sorry,” she apologized, meaning it. It was better he slept, less chance he would kiss her again.

“It’s all right, Willow. Any bit of noise or stirrings wake me. I sleep light. Now tell me what bothers you.”

“The cold,” she said quickly, comfortable that there was some truth to her words. “It is much colder tonight than last night and I feel it in us both.

As if to prove her words, snow started to fall on them.

“Damn,” Slatter mumbled.

Willow had to agree with him, though she didn’t swear. An early snow always proved troublesome. It could leave a light coating on the ground or dump a sizeable amount. Her concern and the cold shivered her.

Slatter ran his hands up and down her back, trying to rub some warmth into her, but he felt the cold himself. It and her gentle stirrings had been what woke him.

Willow rested as close as she could against him. “Can you spread my cloak over your shoulders?”

Slatter did as she suggested and, with her pressed tight against him, he was able to get her cloak to rest partially over his shoulders. Still, it would not be enough to keep him or her warm if the snow worsened.

And it did.

The snow turned heavy and Slatter knew if it continued throughout the night they could be in trouble.

“Cover your ears, leannan,” he said.

She didn’t think to ask why. She did as he said and a shudder ran through her when he let out a ferocious roar. It sounded like the ones the warriors used when going into battle. He didn’t wait long afterwards to let loose another one.

Pounding feet could be heard after his roar settled and light sparked near the top of the hole.

The grate was removed and Rob peered down. “What are you doing?”

“Letting you know that no ransom will be given if you find me and my woman dead in the morning, you idiot.”

Rob’s eyes burst wide as if just realizing something, then turned wider when Beck’s bellowing shout pierced the night.

“Get them out of that hole! And who was the fool on watch tonight? I’ll have his head for not alerting me to the snow. I’ll get no coin for a dead man.”

Willow shivered in relief.

Slatter’s arms remained firm around her. “You’ll be warm soon enough.”

At that moment, she couldn’t be more grateful to him, though a little voice whispered in her head, I’ll miss your arms around me. She quickly chased it away. She would miss his arms for warmth and that was all, nothing else.

Willow didn’t mind this time when his hands touched her bare, icy bottom as he pushed her up and out of the hole. They were actually warm and sent a brief shot of heat through her.

Once out of the hole, Slatter wasted no time slipping his arm around her and tucking her against him.

“Geary, get them in the hut Maddie made ready and have two men stand watch outside the door,” Beck ordered, then turned to Rob. “You have some explaining to do.”