‘I can never forgive myself for hurting you so badly,’ Marco said.

‘You must forgive yourself,’ Claudia said, squeezing his large powerful hands with her own. ‘Because I forgive you.’

‘Why?’ he asked. ‘How can you? After every awful thing I’ve said and done?’

‘Because I love you.’

She smiled, feeling the words sparkle in the air between them like a spell. It felt so good to say it—it was the truth from the very bottom of her heart—and at that moment she knew everything would be all right.

‘But I broke your heart.’

From the bemused frown on Marco’s face, she could tell he needed more convincing. She lifted her hand and smoothed it tenderly across the lines that creased his forehead.

‘It isn’t broken any more—feel it beating.’ She took his hand and pressed it over her left breast. ‘And with every beat my happiness is growing—my love for you is growing’

‘You still want to be with me?’ His voice was incredulous, but she could finally hear a tentative note of joy.

‘Of course—I love you.’

‘I love you.’ He said the words solemnly, looking deep into her eyes, as if he still didn’t think she would believe him.

‘I’ve always loved you,’ she said. ‘I thought we were soul mates—I’ve never met anyone who understands me like you do.’

‘But look how I used that understanding,’ he said, a pang of guilt echoing through his voice.

‘Shh,’ she said, pressing her index finger lightly over his lips. They felt warm and vital under her fingertip. ‘We don’t need to think about it ever again. Primo and Francesca are going to prison—they’re out of our lives for good.’

‘That news clip I showed you was recorded hours ago,’ Marco said. ‘They were arrested hours ago—but I

felt nothing. In the end it meant nothing compared to my feelings for you.’

‘Does Primo know he was arrested because of you?’ she asked. Despite her conviction that they needed to put the past behind them, there were still one or two more things that needed to be said.

‘No, I don’t think so. And I don’t care any more,’ Marco replied, suddenly moving up to sit beside her on the sofa. ‘When it comes to trial I may have to give evidence, but I don’t care if he never knows it was me.’

‘What will happen about the stolen money?’ she asked. ‘Will the people still lose their pensions?’

He cupped her face in his hands and leant forward to kiss her lips with aching tenderness.

‘You are such a wonderful, kind person,’ he murmured. ‘Even with everything that’s going on, you are thinking about other people. Don’t worry. They will be all right. When all of Vasile’s assets are seized, there will be enough money.’

‘I’m glad,’ Claudia said. ‘I hated thinking about letting all those people down so badly.’

‘You are an angel,’ Marco said, kissing her again. ‘Your goodness has freed me from my soul-destroying obsession to avenge my family. I love you more than I can ever say.’

Claudia slipped her arms around him and held him tight, watching the Christmas tree lights splinter into a kaleidoscope of colours reflected in the tears of happiness that suddenly filled her eyes.

She clung to him, never wanting to let him go, basking in the certain knowledge that he felt the same way.

‘There’s something else I need to tell you,’ Marco said. ‘I’ve sent a top antique restorer to the house in Piedmont. Your father’s desk has been repaired. Only someone with an expert eye would be able to tell it had been damaged.’

‘Thank you,’ Claudia said, deeply touched by his thoughtfulness.

‘It was the least I could do,’ Marco replied quietly.

They were silent for a moment and Claudia looked around the room, noticing the decorations properly for the first time.

‘You’ve brought Christmas to us early,’ she murmured. Then she saw a delicious looking array of food had been set up on the side table—bright tropical fruit and Caribbean delicacies. ‘And what’s that wonderful smell?’