‘But why?’ she said, desperately trying to think of a way she could protect her father. If she didn’t marry Primo Vasile as she had agreed, Vasile would turn her father in to the police.

‘I plan to take everything from Vasile.’ Marco’s eyes were gleaming dangerously, setting Claudia’s sense of self-protection on to red alert. ‘Every little thing that is of any importance to him. And you are one of those things.’

‘I’m not a thing!’ Claudia’s voice quavered, but she squared her shoulders and stood up taller. The slight movement made her aware of her own hand just above her breast, with Marco’s hand pressing over it. But she carried on, determined to defend herself. ‘And I’m not important to Vasile.’

‘Your trust fund is,’ Marco said brutally.

‘It’s only money,’ she replied.

‘Money he desperately needs,’ Marco said. ‘Money he thinks will save him.’

‘From you?’ Claudia’s voice was small.

‘He doesn’t know it’s me,’ Marco said. ‘I’ve been squeezing him dry, pressuring him from all sides, waiting for him to make a mistake.’

She stared up at him, appalled all over again by what she was hearing. He was consumed by his need for revenge and she was to be part of that. His conquest of her was linked in his mind to the destruction of the man who had ruined his family.

‘It was Vasile who hurt your family, not me,’ she said. ‘What have I ever done to you to make you treat me like this?’

‘Enough,’ Marco said, suddenly closing the distance between them and bringing his mouth down on hers.

For a fraction of a second she wondered what he meant by the word enough. Did he mean that she’d done enough to deserve his revenge, or that they’d done enough talking?

Then all her thoughts were blown away as a surge of sensation rose up through her body. Marco was plundering her mouth with a ki

ss that was forceful and possessive. And incredibly erotic.

She tried to pull away but hot arousal sizzled along her nerve endings, obliterating any thought of resistance from her mind. She felt his hands sweeping quickly over her, striping off her blouse, unhooking her bra. Then reaching under her skirt to tug down her lacy briefs.

The next moment he lifted her on to the wide leather topped desk, pushing things out of the way impatiently. She was lying on her back with her knees bent. Her skirt had ridden up to show the wide band of lace at the top of her hold-ups and she was still wearing her high-heeled shoes. She moved her feet, intending to kick them off.

‘Leave them on,’ Marco commanded, pushing forward between her legs so that he was kneeling over her, his arms braced on either side of her shoulders.

She stared up at him, hearing her own breath already coming in shallow gasps as she anticipated his lovemaking.

All the unpleasant emotions that had been raging through her only minutes earlier seemed to have been converted into hot, physical desire. Maybe it was a subconscious act of protection against more pain. Or maybe it was simply that she still burned with sexual longing for Marco. Whatever the reason, she was suddenly desperate for him to make love to her.

His black hair fell down over his forehead, but it did not soften his appearance. His dark eyes were narrowed with intent and there was a fierce set to his jaw line.

Without saying a word, he dipped forward and took her nipple deep into his mouth. He kissed it roughly, drawing it into a diamond-hard peak of throbbing sensation. Then he moved to the other breast and repeated his actions. Her whole body trembled and she arched her back, pressing her shoulders down against the hard surface of the desk and thrusting her breasts up towards him.

Then he pulled back and in one fluid movement dropped down so that his head was between her legs.

Claudia gasped and tried to sit up, suddenly unnerved by that extra level of intimacy. But his hands were moving, pushing her back down on the desk, then forcing her skirt higher, before sliding round to hold on to her bottom to keep her still.

A moment later his mouth found the most sensitive place on her body.

‘Oh!’ The moan of pure sexual pleasure tore from deep within her lungs and she flexed her feet, digging her heels down and instinctively tilting her pelvis up towards him.

His tongue glided over her quivering flesh, teasing her mercilessly, making her body writhe beneath him. She rocked her hips, almost unable to bear the intensity of the pleasure he was giving her, but he held her tight.

He kept his mouth pressed against her flesh, continuing to stimulate her with exquisite movements of his tongue and lips. It felt like the most intimate possession of her body she had ever known. As if somehow Marco was right inside her being, driving her experience from within.

He was in total control of her body. Every flick of his tongue sent waves of bliss undulating through her. There was nothing she could do but surrender to it—surrender to him.

She felt as if she were flying, soaring out of her body into the heavens. Marco kept on, driving her relentlessly towards her ultimate release. Then suddenly, magically, she reached the highest point.

A shimmering moment of rapture took her, bursting though her body like a million points of light, transporting her to another wonderful place.