Suddenly Marco took hold of her waist and pulled her tightly to him. Then, holding her close so that they were still joined, he lifted her and rolled them over so that she was lying on her back.

Claudia moaned out loud as her body sank back into the sofa, her legs wrapped around Marco. For a moment he lay still, his male hardness bedded deep within her. Her inner muscles clenched, as if she wanted to hold on to that moment, to him, for as long as possible.

Then he started to move, thrusting into her again and again. And every powerful thrust sent magnificent feelings surging through her. Once again she felt herself building towards a climax. Marco was an incredible lover and she was in thrall to his mastery of her body. Every move he made carried her higher and higher.

Then, suddenly, wonderfully, she pushed through the clouds into the heavens. Another orgasm, stronger and more intense than the first, took hold of her, carrying her away into a world of overwhelming fulfilment.

A moment later Marco arched up above her, a triumphant cry coming from deep within him as he gave a mighty shudder and reached his own powerful release.

He collapsed on top of her, his weight partially supported by his elbows, and she wrapped her arms tightly around him, enjoying her slow descent back to earth. She could feel his heart beating strongly beneath his ribs and for an instant she couldn’t distinguish between his heartbeat and her own.

She sighed, feeling closer to him than ever before. Their two hearts were beating together, and somehow that made her feel a profound connection to him that was even stronger than the bond that had been created by sharing such rapturous lovemaking.


CLAUDIA awoke to the sound of the front door slamming, and then she heard footsteps crunching over the gravel outside the cottage. She was lying on the sofa, cocooned in the soft warmth of the duvet.

‘The fog’s cleared. We can get going at once,’ Marco said, coming back inside with a blast of icy air.

Claudia struggled to sit up, still half asleep, and pulled the duvet tighter round her naked body.

She blinked and gazed blurrily at Marco. He was already dressed and looked as if he’d been up for hours. He’d always been like that, she remembered suddenly. He went from deep sleep to being fully awake in a split second. In the time they’d been together, he’d never once used an alarm clock.

She was the complete opposite—slow to wake up properly, even with an alarm buzzing. And she hated getting up in the cold. Marco, apparently, did not mind the cold.

‘I won’t take long to get ready,’ she said, trying to gather the energy to move.

Marco looked down at Claudia as she turned sideways on the sofa to look up at him, dipping her head so that her hair fell forward past her shoulders to partially cover her breasts.

She looked the perfect image of a demure young lady who felt awkward and slightly bewildered at finding herself sitting naked next to a man the morning after a wild sexual encounter, now that the heat of the moment had passed.

Something about her innocent expression slid through Marco’s nerves like a steel blade. He would never forget what she had done, or that she was preparing to marry Vasile.

Her face was still flushed from sleep as she stood up and stumbled round the room wrapped in the duvet, collecting her clothes. Then she headed to the bathroom.

Marco watched her go with an uncomfortable feeling of arousal burning through him.

The thought that he still wanted her disturbed him. He’d followed her to Wales and bedded her for revenge—to seek retribution for the way she had duped him. His intention had been to set the balance of power right—not to find himself driven to seek the delights of her body again, and again.

He knew what kind of woman she was.

He knew she had brought danger and corruption into his innocent sister’s life. And right now—at this very moment—she was planning to marry the bastard who had destroyed his family, simply to get her hands on a large amount of money.

How could he want her in his bed, knowing that?

Because it was just sex. Incredible, mind-blowing sex.

Suddenly a nasty bolt of possessiveness surged through him. Primo Vasile would never have her! Not her money. And definitely not her body.

The money was not important to Marco—except that by keeping it from Vasile he would continue to hound his enemy further into desperate dire straits. But Claudia’s body was a different matter. That

would be his. Entirely his. Until he was utterly finished with it.

A few minutes later they were driving away from the cottage along the winding Pembrokeshire roads. A wind had picked up, blowing the fog away, and it was a bright, clear morning. A thick hoar-frost encrusted everything, covering the landscape with a silvery white hue, and when she turned round for one farewell glance Claudia saw that the sea was a dazzling cobalt blue.

Everything felt different from the day before. She was leaving the cottage in Marco’s sports car, and would soon reach the airport where his private aeroplane was waiting for them. It was quite a change from the InterCity train and local bus she had travelled to Pembrokeshire in.

Later that day she would see her father. A whisper of dread coiled through her at the thought of how much he might have deteriorated since her last visit. But Marco would be there to talk to the doctors. Knowing he would be there, translating for her, gave her more strength.