He adjusted the temperature of the water slightly, then took hold of her upper arms to manoeuvre her so that the water hit the back of her neck and streamed down over her shoulders, warming as much of her body as possible.

‘There isn’t room for two,’ she said irritably, lifting her head slightly to look at him—trying not to wonder if he meant the hot water would get her blood flowing or if he was referring to showering together.

She pressed herself back against the tiled wall, creating as much distance between them as possible in the small space.

‘We’ve shared this shower before,’ he said, letting her know that his thoughts had followed the same path. ‘There seemed to be enough room then—although you weren’t quite so preoccupied with maintaining a safe distance between us on that occasion.’

‘Things have changed,’ Claudia said.

In her mind she knew that was true—but her body still didn’t seem to have accepted it and was responding in the way it always had to the thrilling proximity of Marco’s unalloyed masculine presence.

He was standing with his back against the tiles, away from the falling water, but he was soaked through. His black T-shirt hugged the hard muscled form of his powerful chest and shoulders, making her completely aware of his pure physical strength.

He was absolutely still, apart from the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, but Claudia sensed danger. He looked so big and powerful, like a black leopard watching his prey. His jet-black hair and T-shirt were in stark contrast to the clean white tiles behind him, and the darkness of his silhouette somehow added to his menacing presence.

They were not touching, but they were impossibly close, making her almost afraid to breathe too deeply in case the slight movement was enough to bring them into contact.

Vivid images of the last time they had shared that shower stormed through Claudia’s mind, almost like a sexy movie playing out. Except it wasn’t just pictures in her mind—she could remember the sensations that had rolled through her body when he’d touched her and now she could hear the sound of her own breathing growing heavier as she grew more and more aroused.

The shower water was streaming over her body with considerable force and it was easy to imagine that the sensation of the water washing over her, penetrating her clothing and stroking her most intimate places, was really the touch of Marco’s hands.

Her breasts were straining against the confines of her bra, heavy with their need to be caressed. Her nipples were tingling sensual peaks that longed to feel the heat of Marco’s mouth, to enjoy the bliss he could bring with the skilful movements of his tongue against her throbbing flesh.

Her whole body was still humming with pent-up desire for him, even though she instinctively knew she should be wary of him. She ought to put up defences. She should stop herself remembering all the times they had made love in the past. But it was totally beyond her intellectual control. The innermost part of her being remembered what it was like to make love with Marco and wanted to experience those soaring heights again.

‘You’re still shaking.’ His words made her jump and her eyes flew back up to his face. ‘Are you all right?’

‘I’m fine,’ Claudia said, desperately trying to keep her voice steady. She could not let him guess what she had been thinking about. ‘I’ll be okay on my own now.’ If only he would step out of the shower she’d be able to get herself back under control. Even if that meant she had to turn the water temperature right down.

‘You haven’t warmed up yet,’ Marco said, letting his gaze slide lower across her body.

‘Yes, I have. Really.’ She tried to sound confident—come across as certain of what she was saying. But all she could think about was how the touch of his eyes was almost as potent as the touch of his hands. Her body was positively buzzing with the desire to get closer to him. ‘You should get out of the shower now,’ she added.

‘You don’t look warm. You’re still shaking and…’ He paused, looking at her body with a burning intensity that made Claudia’s stomach turn over.

She dipped her head, following his line of vision, and looked down at herself. Her nipples were clearly visible, jutting pert and sexually aroused against the almost transparent cotton of her saturated top.

‘Oh!’ she gasped, automatically lifting her hands to press them over her breasts, but not before she’d felt the full force of his gaze caressing her, making her nipples burn with need.

Embarrassment surged through her and she kept her head bowed, willing him to move away. Suddenly he lifted his hand and cupped it under her chin, tilting her head up so that he could look into her eyes.

‘It’s not the cold that’s making you tremble.’ His voice was deep and sexually loaded, his Italian accent more pronounced than usual.

She stared up at him, wanting to deny what he’d said. But she knew it was pointless—he’d never believe her. It was a long time ago, but they had been lovers—passionate lovers. He knew her body well, and from the very beginning of their affair he’d been able to take her to unimaginably wonderful heights that she had never dreamed possible.

But now, for so many reasons, she could not let it happen again.

‘Thank you for getting me back to the cottage…and for the shower,’ she said. ‘But I’m okay now. I’m going to get changed.’

She turned to get out of the shower but, as she did so, Marco moved too. With one step he blocked her way and at the same time his hands closed on her waist, pulling her tight to him, so that their thighs brushed together and her nipples pressed against his chest.

‘We haven’t finished yet.’ His voice rumbled through her with a sexual promise so potent that it started an insistent throbbing at the very core of her.

‘There isn’t room to shower properly together.’ She struggled to pretend everything was perfectly normal, but the heat radiating off his powerful body didn’t make things any easier. ‘You take first turn—I’ll shower later.’

‘You already made it plain you didn’t rate my heroic rescue,’ Marco said, humour mixing with the rich sensual tones that already coloured his deep voice. ‘But is taking first turn in the shower to be my only reward?’

‘I’ll be more comfortable on my own,’ Claudia insisted, trying not to think about the feel of his hands burning on her waist, or her tingling nipples brushing tantalizingly against his chest.