“Going to my job today and trying to salvage it will make me happy. If I manage that. I’ve got over four years in there and I’m good at what I do.”

“I know you are.”

“You don’t, but nice that you think that.”

“No, I do; I know you’re good at your job.”

“How do you know that?” I roll my eyes, because I don’t need empty compliments right now.

“Because…” He looks at my face searchingly and seems to be measuring his words. “Full transparency – when we first connected that night, I told you I had trouble workin’ out how you spent three years with the ass-wipe.”

My eyes widen as I brace for whatever new revelation is about to come at me.

“So, I looked into you,” he admits. “And part of doing that involved me calling your job posing as a recruiter to get a read on what type of employee you are. I did that myself and talked to Shara. She did not want to lose you. The idea of that happening is likely what made her take notice and give you that raise and bonus.”

My mouth drops open in surprise. I don’t know whether to be angry or to thank him. Because that bonus and raise – those were instrumental for me in rebuilding my confidence.

He keeps talking. “My opinion? I think she’s bullying you here right now because she’s an alpha-female and she wants to keep you submissive to her. You finding a new man, gaining new confidence. New clothes, new car, big rock on your finger - maybe she now sees you as a threat. And if you push back and stand your ground with her, letting her know you like working there but don’t need it, she’s either gonna back down or you’ll know for sure where you stand. I also did a bit of extra homework this week, so happen to know that there’s a company they’re about to merge with and it has a bozo in the role you’re doing and my guess - they’d much rather fire him than lose you and have to keep dealing with that guy.”

“Full transparency? A day late and a dollar short, Killian.”

“I’m tryin’ Violet. Can you cut me some slack?”

I sigh. “Dare I ask what else you haven’t told me?”

“Later. We’ll talk more later.” He looks over his shoulder toward the hallway.

That sounds ominous. But, yeah, Susanna probably won’t be long coming back out. We need to leave soon so that I get to work on time after dropping her off.

“But Violet,” he continues, grabbing my hand and squeezing it, “Play it like you’re holding the good cards, baby. And you are. The worst thing that happens if you walk out of there today without that job is that you look for another one without worry until you find one you’re excited about. You can take your time doing that until you find the right thing for you. You’re in a good position.”

“Is that what you’re doing with me? Playing like you’re holding all the aces? Or like you’ve got a sleeve full of them?”


“Acting like we’re still us after everything?”

“Aren’t we?”

I frown.

“Not the aces. Just the queen of hearts. Queen of my heart. I’m still your husband. Nothing has changed for me, not really. I love you. I love you more every day I’m with you. You’re coming to terms with things that I already knew while I’m coming to terms with how I hurt you and that’s where I have regret. But ultimately, we’re still us. And we’re even more. You were everything to me before I found out I planted a baby in you, but now? Fuck. I’m stoked for our future. Making a family with you. I mean that.”

I exhale hard. For someone who never said the L-word to anyone, he certainly has no trouble saying it to me.

“So, you want some breakfast before you go?”

“Do you want me to hurl before I go?” I return.

He smiles. “Did some pregnancy reading, too. Apparently in a couple months you’ll wanna eat everything in sight.”

“I’m looking forward to that part.”

“I’m lookin’ forward to all of it. Except you feeling like shit.” He strokes my cheek with the backs of his fingers. “When are we telling your family?”

I stiffen.

“Think about it. Next week? Christmas present? We’ll buy your folks World’s Best Grandparents t-shirts. Awesome Uncle shirts for Cody and Will. I tried to call Will yesterday but didn’t get him. He’s been busy working for Dario’s family lately. I’ll probably meet up with him soon, tell him in person. Unless you want us to do the big reveal Christmas day?”

“It’s kinda early to tell people. Most people are superstitious about that until the first trimester is over. Besides… I don’t even know if-”

“I’m not superstitious. This is meant to be.” He puts his hand on my belly, making my heart flare. “This is happening, Violet. And we’re gonna be fine.”