Me: I’m going to Callaghan’s to meet with your father. I want to see you. I’ve done a lot of thinking. Reflecting. Come over tomorrow. Have dinner with me and let’s talk. Please.

She reads it immediately, but doesn’t answer me, so I head out.


Kev Gates is sitting in a booth alone. Our eyes meet as I approach, gesturing to the bartender whose eyes are on me.

“I’ll have whatever he’s having.”

I get a nod, so I move the rest of the way toward Kev. He rises as I get there, so I shake his hand and take my coat off before I sit.

“Violet messaged me to tell me not to come, sir. But you requested I be here so I told her I would come out of respect for you.”

“I appreciate it. What the fuck is happening with you two?”

I sigh and rub my forehead.

The bartender brings a glass of beer over.

“Thanks,” I say as I give him a nod and then my eyes move back to Violet’s father.

He raps on the table twice with his fist. “I gave up walking my baby girl down the aisle because I was certain she was tyin’ the knot with the right guy. I figured it was much better than being forced to walk her toward that douchebag she dumped. Don’t make me regret that decision.”

I exhale hard. “I wanna fix it, Kev. She’s upset with me, so I’m giving her space like she’s asked me to do.”

“Stop giving her space. Can’t fix it if she’s living with her old grandpa.”

I take a sip of my beer.

He continues. “Got a message from your mother-in-law, too. She says Christmas is comin’ up. You need to be at my house with us. With family. That includes your brother. Whether you and Violet are finished sorting it or not, you’re family and you should be there at Christmas.”

I’m surprised at this.

“That how you two felt about Iadanza when he was dating your daughter?”

“Fuck no,” he says and takes a healthy sip of his beer.

I do the same.

“I hated that sonofabitch from day one, Killian. So did my wife. And she doesn’t fuckin’ hate anybody. I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you and my daughter but as soon as she started seeing you, she got rid of him and came back into the family fold after a long fuckin’ time of being like a ghost of herself. The difference in her was night and day. And Killian, it’s night again and we don’t like it. My wife has asked Violet to get into counseling. We think she sabotaged things with you because of how damaged that relationship was with that… that slimeball. She’s with us, but she’s not herself. She’s walking around like you died and left her a widow. What gives?”

I look him in the eyes.

“Iadanza is the issue between Violet and me. But it’s also about my dishonesty where dealing with him are concerned. I don’t know if you know this, but I grew up with that guy.”

“My brother-in-law Hugh mentioned that when we had our family pow-wow the other day.”

They had a pow-wow about Violet.

This doesn’t surprise me. They saw the difference in their girl and now they’re concerned. They don’t want to see her go back to the Violet they lost.

“It’s a long story, sir, and not something I’m prepared to share all the details of, but…”

“You punch his lights out?” he asks, leaning forward, looking like he’s hoping I’ll say yes.

“I lied to Violet about some things in an effort to protect her, and the result is that I broke the trust between us. I told her tonight that I want to talk and she’s not responding. She’s digging her heels in.”

He leans back and gives me a long stare before saying, “That guy used to make her try ‘n act small. Anyone around could see it, but if anyone said a word, she’d get fightin’ mad at first. Then, after a while anyone said anything and she’d hide. Stopped comin’ around. Drove us crazy. Goes to show, you’re the one helping put her back together. Instead of her cowerin’ and puttin’ up with shit, she’s taking a stand. This is one of the reasons you’re healthy for her.”

“I’m afraid she might disagree. She’s pretty angry with me.”

“You look like you’re sufferin’ for it, too.”

“I am. I miss her. I’m devastated that I’ve hurt her.”

“You didn’t cheat? Didn’t hurt her? Didn’t mistreat her?” His back is straight and he’s staring into my eyes, looking for signs of truth or deception.

“I lied to her. But I did it to protect her.”

“About?” he presses.

I shake my head. “Respect, Kev, but I’m not about to go into any details.”

“Work to get her trust back,” he says instantly, not appearing offended I’m not giving him details.

“Dad,” Violet says, from somewhere behind me. I look over my shoulder.