She’s already shopping for her flower girl dress and says she’s stoked about the fact that she doesn’t have to do all the maid-of-honor stuff since we’re already hitched.

Before we got off the phone, she had me put it on speaker and asked Killian his favorite color. He told her it was burgundy and she then asked if he preferred satin or lace. He said he had no preference and inquired why. Susanna told Killian that her wedding gift to him was that she was going to do the one thing she dreaded and throw me a bridal shower. When he asked what that would do for him, she revealed that it was going to be a lingerie shower.

This was how she would show him her gratitude for making her best friend happy. He immediately offered to foot the bill for the booze and catering, and we all laughed.

I can’t believe the whirlwind my life has been the past several weeks. How different life is. How wonderful.

The wedding ceremony itself was simple and almost perfect. We got married in a lovely little chapel that was dripping with flowers. It was Vegas style in terms of it being quick and having other couples waiting, too, but there was nothing tacky about it. It was fun sitting in a waiting room with other couples who all looked in love. Everyone kept smiling at one another.

I believed that Killian meant every word of his vows and I know I meant mine. The only thing that made if feel a little unusual was that our family and friends weren’t there. We got a video so I can show my family, and yes, we’re planning to do it again with them present, but I am officially Mrs. Killian Coulter and I am so glad that I took the leap of faith despite how fast all this has happened.

When we do it again, we’ll likely do it either at Killian’s beach house by the water or it’s been offered that we could also do it in my grandfather’s backyard. It would be so amazing to say those vows again, to make promises in front of our loved ones directly next to my grandmother’s many rosebushes. Or to do it by the ocean with some of those roses in my hair.

When he told me it was up to me how we did it for the family, he said, “You made my wish come true when you agreed to marry me last night, Violet. I’ll be doin’ my best to make all your wishes come true for the rest of your life.”

God, he’s swoony. And now I’m officially Violet Coulter. Which is surreal.

After we tied the knot, the limo took us to our hotel and the room was staged perfectly for a dream wedding night. Flower petals. Candles. A romantic dinner. Champagne.

Killian told me he talked Shara into giving me three weeks off for our honeymoon – one of which she said would be unpaid as that was more vacation than I had accrued, and I had trouble with that, telling him maybe we should trim it so I could be back when I was out of days off, but he’s waved it off.

I feel in my heart that I’ll only be married this once, so I’ve decided to just enjoy and live in the moment. I’ll work my butt off when we get home to prove I’m still a model employee.

We’re here in Vegas for another day and then off to Italy for more honeymooning.


The driver closes the limo door and once he’s back inside, the privacy divider goes up and Killian grabs my hand and pulls it to his lips. The way his eyes are sparkling with mischief is a direct line to waking the butterfly nest in my belly as well as my libido.

We’ve had a great dinner at a dinner theater that put on an awesome show and now, I don’t know where we’re off to.

“Having a good night?” Killian asks.

“I mean, yeah. Great food. A fun performance to watch. Too bad we couldn’t find a bad play though.”

“Not for lack of trying. We’ll find you a bad play in Italy.”

“I don’t speak Italian. Do you?”


“Then how will we know if it’s good or bad?”

“Hm. Good question.”

“We’ll do our own translations,” I say. “Make sure we have bad nose-bleeder seats so that we can narrate through it without getting dirty looks for talking.”

He smirks. “You’re a little crazy, Mrs. Coulter.”

I smile at him, but inside, I’m practically panting with excitement. I have been wondering all night how things will go, what sort of kinky business we’ll get up to. He’s been giving me these saucy looks all night, like he has plans and the anticipation has my insides all aflutter.

“Killian?” I ask.

“Mm hm?” he replies.