Levi’s eyes met mine. “I guess you could say Presley’spassionrubbed off on me.”
My cheeks felt hot as tension formed in the air.
“Well, it’s cool that you’re seeing eye to eye on things now. That would’ve been a problem.” He looked between us before his eyes landed on mine. “So…uh, you didn’t answer my question. Is it okay if I stay here?”
“You didn’t answermyquestion as to how long you’re staying,” I retorted.
“Well, you know I started that new junior sports agent position a few months ago. I can do that from anywhere. I only have to travel to meet new clients, so I do most of my work from home. I was hoping to at least spend the rest of the summer here. I know Levi’s heading back to Colorado in a few weeks. Figured I’d be able to fill the void around here once he’s gone.”
Levi slammed his bottle down on the table.
As much as I wanted to please Alex, who I knew would want his dad to stay with us, my gut told me I needed to stop Tanner in his tracks. “Okay, well, I don’t know if you staying here is such a good idea right now.”
Tanner looked down at his shoes. “You know what? I shouldn’t have thrown all of this on you at once. I’ll stay at my mother’s for now. If you change your mind, that’ll be great. But I understand that you need to get used to me being here first.”
Silence filled the air for several seconds before Tanner spoke again.
“Look…I know I’ve been a shitty father, a shitty brother, and a shitty ex.” He looked between us. “But you two are still the closest people to me on Earth, so I feel like I can be open with you right now, even if we aren’t on the best of terms.” He took a deep breath in. “It’s taken me a while to get to the place I am today. I haven’t told you justhowmuch I’d been struggling.” He exhaled. “You know about my gambling addiction. Well, I finally started seeing a therapist, which is something I should’ve done a long time ago. He’s treating me for not only the gambling issue, but for the generally self-destructive behavior that’s gotten me to where I am today.”
Levi swallowed, seeming to soften a bit for the first time since I walked in. “I’m glad to hear you’re seeing someone.”
Tanner nodded. “I look at my life now, and I honestly can’t tell you how I got to this place. I’m not gonna stand here and use my injury as an excuse either. I’ve made that mistake for far too long. Sure, the injury started my downward spiral, but I have to take responsibility for my actions.” He turned to me. “Everything I’ve done has been a choice—from hurting you, Presley, to the gambling, to not being there for Alex. And I’m so damn sorry.”
I’d known Tanner long enough to know when he was lying and when he was being honest. I believed he was sincere right now, although I didn’t necessarily trust that this newfound conscientiousness would last forever.
Fern waltzed into the kitchen, interrupting our conversation.
Her eyes went wide. “Well, well, well, looks like a party of three in here.”
Tanner smiled. “Hey, Fern. Good to see you again. It’s been a long time.”
“Sure has. What brings you home, son?”
“Just missin’ my family. That’s all.”
She raised her brow. “You stayin’ here with us?”
“I plan to stay at my mother’s tonight.” Tanner looked over at me. “But I’m hoping Presley will change her mind and let me crash here eventually, if she still has the space by then. I know she has a lot going on, so I’m not pushing anything.”
“Yeah…” Fern snickered. “It is a littlecrowdedat the moment. You being here might be too much for Presley to ménage—” She shook her head. “I mean,manage.”
Ugh! Sure you did.I glared at her, and she seemed to get the message.
“Well, enjoy your stay wherever you end up sleeping.” She winked. “I just came to say hello and see what all the excitement was about.”
Levi gritted his teeth, looking ready to explode.
Relief washed over me when Fern went back to her room.
Levi left the kitchen soon after and made himself scarce the rest of the day. He told Tanner he had to meet someone, but I suspected he just needed to blow off some steam in private. It wasn’t like we could vent to each other with Tanner right under our noses.
Tanner said he wanted to go with me to pick up Alex. It happened to be the last day of camp, and I knew he was going to be so surprised to see his dad. As much as Tanner showing up here unannounced was jarring, I was happy and excited for my son—as long as this didn’t turn out to be another disappointment.
As Tanner and I packed into my car, I made a mental decision not to give in regarding my decision about him staying at The Palm. He could sleep at his mother’s for as long as she would have him. I knew Alex would likely push for him to stay with us, but I needed to stand my ground.
As I drove toward the park, Tanner placed his hand lightly on my leg.
“It’s so good to see you,” he said.