“Either way, it’s fucked up, and you need to move on from it. But what this proves is that you’re needing companionship. Maybe you’ve outgrown the bachelor life. There comes a time when every man needs a good lady to come home to. Probably the only thing that will get your mind off a woman you can’t have is to find a better one and claim her for yourself.”
My first thought was:there isn’t a better one. I knew it. Presley was the best. This wasn’t about needing a replacement for her. While I appreciated his advice, I knew I wouldn’t take it. I had no interest in starting a relationship that would feel forced with anyone else. What had happened between Presley and me felt natural. It was organic. She felt like home to me, and that couldn’t be replicated. I’d rather be alone than try.
“I appreciate your advice. But that’s not something I’m interested in right now.”
“Okay, then on to Plan B.” He slammed his beer on the table.
“What’s that?”
“I take you out back and whip your ass into shape. Because we can’t have this shit continuing into the season!”
I bent my head back in frustration and rubbed my eyes. “I promise I’ll work it out, okay? I won’t let you down.”
Although it had felt good to unload on Coach, I was still in a pissy mood when I returned to my house that night. My place seemed cold and empty compared to being back home with Presley. I hadn’t realized just how bad it was until I got back here. I had expensive things, but it wasn’t a house that made a home. It was the people in it, and here in Colorado, my home life was nonexistent.
Talking about Presley today had messed with my head. I’d been trying to forget, but the more effort I put into that, the more it seemed to screw with my game. Actuallyspeakingabout the situation aloud made me feel even worse about how I’d left things with her.
I’d had multiple opportunities to drown my sorrows in other women, but I had no desire to go there. It would be disloyal to Presley, and more surprisingly, I had no desire for sex with anyone else. I wasn’t ready to move on, even if I’d tried to encourage Presley to do just that. Instead, I’d close my eyes at night and imagine her smell, her taste, lying next to her, holding her. Then I’d get sick to my stomach imagining Tanner doing the same.
It didn’t matter that I was a grown-ass man. When you’re feeling this low, there’s only one person who has a chance at making it better.
Taking out my phone, I scrolled down to her name.
After a few rings, she picked up.
“Hey, Ma. What’s been going on?”
“It’s so good to hear your voice.”
“You too.”
“You sound tired.”
Another way of saying I sounded like shit. “Yeah, it’s been hectic at practice. How are things at home?”
“Well, I’ve currently got your nephew here.”
“Yeah?” I smiled. “Put him on.”
“Okay. Hang on.”
My mother called Alex to the phone, and I could hear him running toward it.
“Uncle Levi!”
The sound of his voice went straight to my heart.
“Hey, buddy. What’s going on?”
“Nothing much. Hanging out with Grandma. I miss you.”
“I miss you, too.” I shut my eyes. “Believe me.”
“Did you know I was here at Grandma’s? Is that why you called?”