“Sir,” Henri says. “They can’t be trusted.”

“I’m not trusting them. We have questions, and they have answers.”

“They do. And we’ll go together.” I turn to Joe. “Bring Armand in.”

He holds my gaze but doesn’t respond at first. I know he’s worried about what Armand will say to Violet, but I can’t hold back the truth any longer. I need her to know exactly where we stand.

There’s a knock on the door. “Yes?” I answer.

The door opens, and Skylar comes in. She stares at me with accusation in her eyes, her arms crossed over her chest. “Excuse me. There’s an all-hands-on-deck staff meeting, and no one invited me?”

“Come in, Sky.” One of the guys stands to let her sit, and she waves him off.

“I’m one of the team now, since I looked through all that footage.” Her gaze swivels to mine, and she clears her throat. “And I do mean all the footage, Cain. That wasn’t my initial plan, but it’s how things worked out. And it seems there’s lots that needs to happen and be brought to light, no?”


“There is, Skylar, but in time. Right now, we have to move on the Rossis. They were likely the ones that sent someone to silence Descamps. They’re onto us, and we need to be proactive.”

“Right. Is Violet going with you?”

I nod. “We’ll go together.”

She blows out a breath. “Take me with you.”

The room goes so quiet, I can hear the slow ticking of a clock on the wall.

“Excuse me?”

“Take me with you.” There’s a note of steel in her voice that’s unlike Skylar.

Is my baby sister quietly blackmailing me?

“Sky, you haven’t trained with him,” Violet says gently. “We’ve worked for months on my knife and gun skills.”

“No, but I’ve trained with you,” Sky says, holding her own. The first time I ever saw Violet, she was training young kids in martial arts. Skylar’s been working with her for months, but is still very much a novice.

“It’ll be a dangerous situation, though,” Violet says, her voice tighter now.

“Listen, I have reasons for wanting to go, okay?” Skylar says. “Plus, I know them.”

“You know the Rossis?” I ask.

Skylar shrugs. “I used to read Tarot cards with the youngest Rossi girl. And I maybe had a little fling with… one of her brothers,” she says in a rush.

I swear under my breath. “You had an affair with one of the Rossi brothers?”

“Cain, honey, take a deep breath,” Violet says, running her hand along my arm. “That vein’s pulsing in your temple again…”

“My sister slept with one of the Rossi brothers, read Tarot fucking cards with the sister, and you want me to calm down?”

“Now wait,” Skylar says, her brows coming together. “I didn’t tell you I slept with any of them.”

Violet rolls her eyes. “Kids, kids, settle down.” She gives Skylar a pointed look. “Sweetie, you hang your laundry on a sex chair. There’s no shame.”

Skylar shakes her head. “It’s a tantric chaise. Fine. Are you going to take me with you or what?”

Violet looks to me. The room’s gone silent, as if everyone’s holding their breath waiting for me. “Could be really helpful having someone with us that knows them, even if her history is a bit… dubious.”

“Did you cheat on any of them?” I ask sternly.


I need to know. “Did you?”

“Of course not,” she huffs out, offended.

“Did any of them cheat on you?”

“No. The only reason we didn’t see each other anymore was that he went to college internationally and we just sort of lost touch. In fact, he was quite the gentleman in bed.” Oh, God, I do not need to hear this.

“And his sister’s lovely. We still keep in touch.”

“Boss, might be a good idea,” Joe says. “They’re a lot less likely to attack if there’s a friend between you.”

“Honest to God, Skylar, you cannot ever do something so stupid again. Seriously.”

“Cain, I’ve grown up now. You know that. I can handle myself just fine, and with the skills Violet’s teaching me, I’ll be even more prepared than ever.”

“Fine. Fine. But don’t do anything without my permission, is that clear?”

She nods eagerly, while Violet takes out the diary. She hops off my lap and speaks in hushed tones to Henri, who takes the diary with a nod and jots down notes. I know it will all come clear in the end.

I hate that the two women that mean more to me than anything in the world are in a dangerous situation like this. I hate that I can’t trust the people we’re going to see.

And I hate that I haven’t told Violet the truth. Skylar knows, I know she does.

I can’t hold this back anymore.

“Sky, I need to talk to Violet alone before you come with us.” I don’t look at Violet. I can’t. Not yet.

“You do,” she says with a nod. “I understand. I’ll wait for you in the truck.”