“Team Alpha,” he says with resignation. His clean-up crew will have to come and clean this shit up.

Chapter Nine


I pride myself on knowing what’s happening and when, of being one step ahead of any of my enemies. But today… today, someone pulled a fucking fast one on me.

I thought everyone was secured. Never fucking dawned on me a sniper would off the one witness I need. I’d interrogate the rest of his staff, but I need to get Violet the hell out of here before she’s hurt.

Team Alpha shadows me only minutes away during a detail, and today is no exception. They sweep in with the ease and practice of a well-oiled machine, while I secure Violet.

“Do exactly what I tell you. Keep your head down. Follow me. Don’t respond to any bait, and if I tell you to shoot, you fucking shoot.”

Could be one sniper, could be a goddamn team, there’s no telling, but I don’t want her here for another second longer.

We got some information, but not enough. We’ll have to keep digging, but I’ll have my team get cracking on that.

Violet’s my priority. And I know she’s here to find the people that killed her parents, but none of that matters if she’s dead.

I leave my team with strict instructions to find whatever they can from who’s left. Henri, Claude, and Joe are the ones I trust with my life. Today will be no exception.

We walk straight to the front door, my reasoning being that no one who’s actually going to attack us would be so bold as to attack us here, though I’ve honestly been wrong before and don’t take any chances. I cautiously open the door and tuck her against me, using my body as a human shield.

“I can cover myself, Cain,” she says, glaring at me, but I know she’s really mad we have to cut this shorter than we hoped.

“I know you can but do not try me now, woman.” She’d better not fight me on this.

Violet’s a force to be reckoned with, but so am I.

We walk out the front door where a ride’s waiting for us, brought here by my team. Someone watches in the distance. This whole operation’s gone to shit. I peer over the hood of the car to see who it is, but only see a flash of green before that’s gone. Jesus.

We get into the car and head back to my place, but it isn’t safe anymore.

“Dammit,” I swear under my breath. “We need to get you somewhere safe.”

“Your house is Fort goddamn Knox,” she says, scowling.

“Not if we’re followed by a sniper.”

She shrugs. “Then lose them.”

“That easy? Just lose them?”

She nods. “Yeah. We won’t be any safer anywhere else.”

I know she’s right, I just hate taking chances. Just the same, I nod. She has a point.

“Fine. We’ll go home. You’re right, I’ve got more resources there than anywhere else, but first I need to make sure we aren’t followed.”

“Naturally. I’ll make sure, too. Let me drive, and you can do surveillance.”

If I could drive and do surveillance at the same time, I would. I curse under my breath, making her grin. She knows I don’t give up the driver’s seat lightly.

“You just saw me torture a man, and now you’re damn near grinning? God, you need a spanking so fucking bad.” I slam the door as I reluctantly take the passenger seat.

That only makes her grin widen.

“You’re just so cute when you go all alpha.”

“You’re out of your fucking mind.”

“I know, it’s what you love best about me.”

“Wouldn’t say best, but it’s up there.”

She giggles like a little girl, a rarity for my Violet. I take one second, just one second, and yank her over to me so I can plant a kiss on her forehead, before I shove her back in the driver’s seat.

“If we get into a car chase, I will never forgive you for making me do this,” I say with a growl.

She shakes her head. “Aw, baby, you do say the sweetest things.”

“Buckle up,” I grumble.

She’s already snapping her belt.

I see no signs of anyone following us at all. Whoever it was took off in the green car. Fucking wimp. Pussy. Who takes off like that?

We’re heading back as I watch the road.

“No one’s tailing us, Cain, I’d have seen them.”

I nod, while I run my hand under the seats and visors of the car. “I don’t see anyone either. However…” my fingers clasp around something secured to one of the visors. I yank it down and lay it in my hand.

She looks over out of the corner of her eye and whistles. “So even this is tracked, eh? Did you have the car we drove in checked?”

“With what time, babe? We literally just left.”

“Bet my left boob that thing’s got a tracker then.”