I nod at her, feeling like a fool. “Understood,” I mumble.

Ella puts her hand on my arm and squeezes. “Remember, she’s a teenager, so communication is hard. You’ve got to keep chipping away at it and things will get better. But also remember, some of this is out of your hands because sometimes there’s no understanding them at all.”

A rush of fondness for Ella sweeps through me… for being empathetic to my lack of parenting experience as well as giving it to me honestly. I don’t do well with people sugarcoating things.

I even appreciate her poking into my business.


“Do you have her in any extracurricular activities?” Ella asks. “Sometimes a busy kid makes for a happier kid.”

I shake my head. “She doesn’t have interest in anything but art, which is a pretty solitary activity. She refuses to try out for athletics or anything else the school offers, and I don’t know whether to push her into it. I don’t want to make her do something she’s not into, but I do think she might be bored. Like I said, I hired an older woman through a service to watch her when I’m away, but Janelle doesn’t have much in common with her, and she’s not motherly. More like a strict babysitter.”

Jim snorts, and I ask him what’s so funny. “You need to talk to Reagan,” he says with a knowing smile.

“Reagan? Dax’s wife?”

Jim nods. “Her brother played for the New York Vipers, and when their parents died, she went to live with him. She’s had to navigate what Janelle’s going through, so she would have great advice.”

I seriously doubt she’s gone through what Janelle’s gone through, I think to myself. But I do appreciate the heads-up that Reagan has some experience. I’ll reach out to her through Dax.

Ella’s face brightens and she says, “I have an idea. You said Janelle might be bored. Well, Clarke has been looking for someone to work part-time in the afternoons at her bookstore. Maybe Janelle would be interested in that—it would give her something to do, plus it would help her connect with people associated with the team and give her a bit of a break from her babysitter when you’re gone, since they don’t connect all that well.”

I knew Aaron’s girlfriend owned a bookstore downtown, and I’d even told myself I should take Janelle to check it out since it’s not far from where we live. I just haven’t had an opportunity, nor has Janelle seemed to want to do anything I’ve suggested. But my sister does love English class and enjoys reading the classics she’s assigned. She’s also no stranger to work, having held some type of job since she was fourteen. One thing my little sister understands is the value of a solid work ethic.

Before I can agree that this idea has merit, Ella has me by the wrist and is pulling me through the crowd. I look over my shoulder and see Jim following, shaking his head in silent amusement because his wife, though diminutive, is a powerhouse.

I have no choice but to go along with her. She leads me over to Aaron and his girlfriend, Clarke, who are in conversation with Kane and his fiancée, Mollie. As we approach, I hear Kane prattling on about wedding-cake tasting while Mollie nods with interest. It’s been a running joke that Kane has lost his man card because since his engagement, he’s been fully involved with every aspect of wedding planning. Everyone—except me, since that opens me up for people to joke back—are giving him hell because frankly, he acts like a girl.

But part of me admires the dude because he doesn’t give a shit what everybody else thinks about him, and that kind of confidence is fucking special in my book. The guy is just so excited to spend his life with Mollie that he seems to want to soak in every aspect of this experience. More power to him.

Speaking strictly from a male point of view, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about monogamy and marriage and lifelong commitment. Like I said, it all breaks down and goes to hell, eventually. As long as there is a never-ending supply of women willing to throw themselves into my bed, with the understanding that’s all it will ever be, I don’t see what more I need in life.

“Clarke,” Ella exclaims, butting in over the wedding talk as we enter the tiny group’s circumference, which automatically expands to let us in. “Are you still looking for someone to work in the afternoons at the bookstore?”

“I am,” she replies, turning to Ella. “My right-hand woman has decided to go back to school to finish her degree, so I’m going to need some help.”

“Oh, really?” Ella exclaims in surprise. “Where is Veronica going to finish her degree?”