Page 11 of All of What You See

“Mmm. Why? I want to sleep.” She pouts her cute lips and I want to feel them wrapped around my cock as I choke her and force her to gag on this meat. “I can wake up for that.” She smiles, still half asleep. My cock jumps at her words, eager to play it out.

“That is going to have to wait, naughty girl. The cops are going to be here in a bit, and I want to hear the story from you. Plus, I had one of my guys and his sister go to your place and grab some stuff so you would have clothes to put on when you got up.” she tenses but opens her eyes.

“Thank you. That was very thoughtful.” “You don’t have to thank me for doing what I was sent here to do...Take care of you.” she blushes and ducks her head.

“I need to call and check on Diamond and let her know I am ok.” “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of texting her from your phone last night when you passed out. She said if she doesn’t hear from you by noon she is going to send the entire police station here.” I believe her too. Fern laughs and shakes her head.

“She is too much.” “Nah. She is your best friend and I respect her for looking out for you. Tell you what, tell me what happened and then call her while I make you breakfast. How does that sound?” “Perfect. Well, me and Diamond were shopping for crystals and the next thing I knew two guys walked in and started robbing the store. I hid my friend so she could call for help, but I needed to help the others. He got mad when he saw me, grabbed my purse and took my I.D. And then everything went black.” “Did you notice anything about him? Accent, facial features, anything distinguishable?” “Yes. He has a Branch Devils tat.” at least she knows she is in danger. It should make keeping her safe easier.

“Alright. That’s good. They will probably make you do a lineup.” she starts to shake, and it pisses me off. Her even feeling like she is in danger is a no no. “I will be there with you every step of the way, baby. I promise.” “Ok.” she says, her voice scared and meek. I pull her further into me and kiss her head.

“Any ideas about what this thing is between us? I mean beside the obvious chemistry and the incessant need I have to be near you and touch you and claim you.” I kiss her after each word, my need for her always on the surface, just an inch from spilling over. Her eyes avoid mine and I know she is hiding something from me. I am about to ask her what it is when I hear her thoughts. She thinks whatever she is going to say to me is going to run me away like all the others. “Nothing you could tell me could make me leave you, Fern. Those were boys. I am all man.” I enunciate by putting her hand on my cock and stroking it.

“Mmm. I remember.” she says leaning over to kiss me before her face gets serious once more.

“Then tell me, what is it you are keeping to yourself? I want to know all of you.” I watch as she battles the decision and talks herself into revealing her secrets to me. She takes a deep breath and looks me in my face.

“I am a psychic. Not like a Miss Cleo 1-800 number type of psychic. A real one. And before you ask me, no, I didn’t see you coming. I have never been able to see my own future. Until you.” Holy shit. I suspected it was going to be something like that, but I didn’t really expect it.

“Any clue why I can hear your thoughts?” “None. I am just as confused as you. Anyone in your family have this…gift?” she asks. I detect the sarcasm when she calls it a gift and my heart breaks for her. I want to erase all the doubts she has about her ability.

“Hey,” I lift her chin, so she looks at me. “I believe you, baby. Even without the obvious link between us, I would still believe you. Ok?” she searches my eyes for signs of deception or ridicule. When she is satisfied she nods her head.

“Ok. I believe you. You never did answer my question.” “I am not aware of anyone being psychic. My grandmother practically raised me. She was spiritual. The type with dream catchers and incense. She even had prayer circles and meetings where her and her friends would run around our yard naked when I wasn’t home.” I chuckle thinking about how crazy it all seems now, but back then, my grandma was my everything. She took over where my parents failed. She nurtured me, loved me, fed me, clothed me and heard me. She was amazing.