“It’s okay,” Vicki said her voice distant as she mentally started to shift things around. She usually took December off to spend the month in South Africa anyway. Maybe she could move that holiday time to November instead. It would mean missing Christmas with Mum and Miles, but this was more important.

“I’m also hoping you could come a couple of weeks before the wedding to participate in the pre-wedding stuff, bridal shower, hen party, dress fittings, you know? And I would love for you to be my maid of honor. I know it’s a lot to ask, but Miles will be giving me away, Nina’s a bridesmaid, and George wants Hugh to be his best man.”

“No, it’s not a lot to ask, Mum. I’d love to be there for all of that, and of course I’m thrilled to be your maid of honor. I’m already shuffling things around in my brain. It’ll be fine. I’ll work it out. I’ll be there for everything. This is going to be amazing. I’m so excited. You’re getting married, Mum.”

She couldn’t quite contain the emotional quiver in her voice. She was truly happy for her mother who’d had to endure so much hardship and loneliness after their dad had died. Her children had been her primary focus for too long. Vicki had been thrilled when their mum had fallen in love with George, and she was ecstatic right now.

She lifted her misty eyes from her phone’s screen and realized that the car was no longer moving. They were already parked in her rented parking spot. She looked into the rearview mirror to find Tyler staring at her intently.

She couldn’t quite read the expression in his eyes, and before she could try to decipher it, his gaze flickered away.

“Mum, I have to go,” she said and wiped her eyes. “I’m so happy for you. I’ll call you tonight and we’ll discuss travel dates, okay?”

“All right, love.”

“Have a fantastic day. I love you. Bye.”

She disconnected before her beaming mother or George could say anything further. She ducked her head and frantically searched her messy bilum for a tissue.

She was still looking when a crisp, white handkerchief appeared beneath her nose. She accepted it gratefully.

“Thank you.”

He didn’t reply, and she removed her steamed-up glasses to wipe her face and blow her nose. She was missing her mum like crazy right now and feeling more than a little sorry for herself because of that.

“Big news, huh?” His dark, gruff voice offered awkwardly, and her eyes shot up in surprise to meet his in the mirror. She hadn’t expected him to speak.

“I’m being silly. I know. I just wish…”

“You miss her.”


“Understandable. You guys were inseparable before she left.” He would know, he had trailed after them on many a shopping expedition and lunch date.

“It’s only now sinking in tha-that she’s never coming back. Her life is with George now. And they’re a million miles away.”

“Only about six thousand or so.”


“Miles. Six thousand or so miles away. Under ten thousand klicks.”

“You know what I meant,” she said, irritated.

“I do. But I figured you’d feel better knowing it was well under a million miles.”

He was trying to distract her, she recognized in wonder. She stared at him for a long moment, charmed by that realization.

“Thank you,” she said. Her nose was stuffed up and she gave it another noisy blow for good measure. She put her glasses back on. “How long have we been parked here.”

“About five minutes.”

“Linda will be arriving soon. Let’s go.”

He nodded, donned his dark sunglasses, and opened the door. He was out and holding the back door open for her mere seconds later. He stood to the side and flattened the front of his suit jacket against his torso with his free hand. His head on a swivel as he restlessly scanned the street while he waited for her to exit the car.

She smiled at him, seeing nothing but her reflection in those Oakley aviators, and took a step forward.

There was a confusing flurry of movement. Tyler made a harsh sound, grabbed hold of her elbow, and swung her around until she was pressed back against the car. His arms folded around her, with one hand in the small of her back and the other fisted in the curls at the base of her head.

His big, strong body was tense around hers as he sheltered her from a threat she hadn’t seen coming. She shuddered in his arms, and screamed in terror when his body jerked against hers.

Oh, God, what was happening? Had he been shot? Stabbed? The reality of all the awful things that could happen to him while he shielded her body with his own, was harrowing, and Vicki wanted out of his hold. Desperate to protect him from the harm he faced by putting himself in the line of fire for her.