Her hands were on his thighs now, still exploring with almost tender reverence. She made these hot sounds of appreciation as she caressed him, occasionally telling him how beautiful he was, how much she liked his body, asking him if he liked the way she was touching him. He remained wholly incapable of replying, but he was certain she had to understand what she was doing to him. His hard, furiously throbbing cock was more than enough evidence of how very much this was affecting him. Of how desperately he wanted her.

He jerked when she straddled him, her weight and heat settling just above his knees. His hands floundered, wanting to find her, thinking surely this was all the permission he needed to touch her.

But when she gently batted his hands aside—then grabbed hold of his wrists to pin them on the mattress beside his head—Ty got a taste of the frustration and resentment she must have felt when he’d done the same to her in their previous encounters.

Of course, he could easily break her hold, take charge.

But he wasn’t going to do that. This was her show, and he had front row tickets. Might as well sit back and see where it took him.

“Don’t be disobedient, Tyler Chambers,” she admonished. He could feel her warm breath on his mouth. “I told you not to touch.”

She pressed a kiss to his lips. A closemouthed, chaste kiss, that belied the penis eagerly throbbing between their pressed together bellies. He worried he would come then, that the unbearable push of her—still clothed—body against him, was going to send him over the edge. But she sat up—resuming her position at his knees—and released his hands a second later.

“Now, where was I?” she mused. “Aah, yes, of course…”

And that’s when she took him into her mouth.

He cried out when he felt her lush lips enclosing the slick head of his penis, and nearly lost it.

“Aah, Christ!” he gritted out, finally finding his words. “Vicki, what the fuck are you doing to me?”

He felt her lips stretch into a smile around his cock head. She didn’t answer, instead she gave him a leisurely stroke with her hand, while keeping just the tip of him in her suctioning mouth.

Without his sight, it was all about the sensation—wet heat tightly sealed around his glans—the slurping sounds of her suckling loud in his ears, the smell of her perfume lingering in the air… The tart taste of her tongue fresh in his mouth.

He heard sobbing and dimly registered that it was coming from him. Deep, breathless sounds emerging from his heaving chest and tight throat. He kept his hands beside his head—knowing that if he touched her now, he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.

Her head shifted, and her mouth slid down his shaft, taking in even more of him.

“Vicki.” That was the only word left in his vocabulary. Two syllables, over and over again, as she took all of him and began to move. Her head bobbed as she slid her mouth up and down his cock.

He lasted longer than he would have thought possible. All of four-and-a-half strokes…fucking impressive considering the hair trigger he’d been on for the last half hour.

He managed to grunt a warning. “Honey, I’m coming—”

Vicki made a happy sound of acknowledgment in the back of her throat. Instead of lifting her head and finishing him off with her hand—as he half-expected her to do—she squeezed his balls, and increased her suction to the point of pain. Then—when Ty came with a series of helpless jerks and groans—she took everything he had to offer.


The author of his downfall. The instigator of his ruination.

His body was her kingdom, and she was its conqueror.

Vicki lips curled into a smug, happy grin as she sat back. She was straddling Ty’s knees and watched in satisfaction as he lay—still blindfolded—beneath her, his sweat-slicked chest heaving as he fought to regain his breath.

He looked replete. Completely sated. Such a massive change from all the other times they’d had sex, when he’d maintained that raw, hungry edge, even after they’d completed the act.

She leaned forward and gently pushed the blindfold up. His eyes were screwed shut and moisture seeped out from beneath his lids. He swiped self-consciously at his face before lifting his lids to meet her stare. His gaze held stunned confusion, mixed in with no small measure of dazed wonderment.

“Hello,” she whispered shyly. He blinked a few times, seeming unable to comprehend the word for a moment. “Ty?”

His face convulsed with an emotion she wasn’t able to interpret. He reached for her and tugged her down until she was pressed against his chest. His arms crisscrossed over her back, and he squeezed her close. Hugging her as if he were terrified of letting her go.

Despite the sweatiness of his hard chest beneath her cheek, or the overly tight hold that stole her breath, Vicki did not complain. How could she complain about something so utterly magnificent? Seeing him make the choice to trust her, despite his initial wariness, watching him lose all control…it had been sublime.