“You’re killing me,” he said, on a gasp of pure pleasure.

“Only a little,” she promised him.

He laughed huskily and dipped his head to trace his lips to the cove of her neck, unerringly finding all her most sensitive spots. It was as if he had a map of all her erogenous zones because he found, and lingered at, each and every one of them. Flipping switches, turning dials and adjusting signals, until he had her humming at exactly the right frequency.

By the time he eventually got to her nipples, she was writhing in the best kind of agony, beyond ready to take that next step with him.

But he had other plans. Plans that did not yet involve taking next steps…plans that meant he would linger at the crests of her breasts forever. He suckled, licked, nibbled, came perilously close to biting…but would not move on from there.

“Oh please. Oh please, Miles. More. I need more.” Her words emerged on gasps as she fought for breath and writhed restlessly beneath him. She planted her feet on the mattress and unabashedly thrust against his hardness…eager for the column of flesh he was so selfishly withholding from her.

“Soon, sweetheart…” he whispered. His hot breath washed over one tightly furled nipple and sensitized the flesh beyond bearing. “I promise.”

No longer content with being the passive recipient of so much sensua

l torment, Charity decided to spur him into action by beginning her own erotic onslaught. She ran her hands over his back and chest, testing the firmness of those muscles beneath all that gloriously smooth skin. He was stronger than the last time they had been together like this. But it didn’t frighten her. Because she knew that he was keeping all of that strength leashed just for her. There was something so damned sexy about that.

She trusted that he would never do anything to hurt her and that knowledge, that trust that he had fought so hard to win, was so much hotter than anything else he had done in bed with her so far.

Her palms slid down his slick chest, exploring the hard points of his nipples, playing there for a moment, until he groaned and lifted his mouth from where he had been nibbling at the crease of one of her aureoles.

Once she was sure she had his attention, she deliberately left his chest and smoothed her way down over rock hard abs, to his pelvis and finally to the plump head of his cock, which had escaped the confines of his briefs.

He inhaled sharply, and his stomach muscles jumped at the contact.

“Charity. Wait…” She disregarded the urgency in his grating voice and happily pushed down his briefs until she had both hands wrapped around his pulsating hotness. “Oh fuck, sweetheart. That feels good.”

“Kiss me.” She punctuated her demand with a long, sultry stroke of his cock, and he instantly complied, helplessly thrusting into the channel she had created with her tightly curled hands.

He lifted his head and stared fiercely into her face while he continued to stroke himself in her snug hold.

The sprinkling of hair on his chest rasped the aching peaks of the nipples he had left exposed above the top of her tank. And this time she was the one who groaned.

“I want you, Miles. Inside of me. Now!” She remembered her manners enough to add, “please.”

He chuckled, the sound rusty, and pushed himself up until he was kneeling between her thighs. He tugged at her tank top, and she arched her back and raised her arms, assisting him in the removal of the superfluous item of clothing. He tossed it over his shoulder and made a soft sound of satisfaction as he stared at her near naked body, his pleasure evident even in the limited light.

Her hand was still on his cock, and she gave it a tug to keep him on task. He leaned over her, reaching for one of the bedside stands.

“Wrong side,” Charity told him. “They’re in the other stand.”

He shifted his weight toward the other side, tugged open the drawer and pulled a condom from the box she always kept in stock for him. His hands were shaking and he had to use his teeth to rip the foil package open.

She took the sheath from him and rolled it down his eager length, prolonging the task because she enjoyed the way his back arched and his head flew back in reaction to her leisurely pumping motion.

God, he was magnificent.

He kissed her again. His mouth hot and voracious.

He tugged her panties down to her hips and made a frustrated sound when it wouldn’t move any farther. Charity reluctantly relinquished her hold on his penis and helped him with the urgent removal of their underwear.

Seconds later his lips were on hers, his cock poised for entry, while he was braced on his elbows with his tight, hard body trembling above hers. His damp hair framed his face and that, combined with the intensity in that steel gray gaze, made him look feral. His eyes were laser focused on her face, watching her every reaction as he slowly pushed his way inside.

Oh God! He felt amazing…thick, hard, hitting all the right spots with his smooth, expert entry. He levered himself to his knees, her thighs and butt propped up by his well-muscled thighs. He flicked the bedside light on, flooding the room with warm light and stared at her for a long, appreciative moment. He grinned wickedly before bringing one of his long, elegant thumbs to his mouth and slowly and oh-so-fucking sexily sucking it into his mouth, getting it good and wet. He gave it one last lick for good measure, his tongue lapping the digit with quite thorough deliberation.

He winked at her, and insinuated his hand down to where his body so perfectly slotted in hers and that wet thumb found her clit with unerring accuracy.

She moaned at the touch, and her back bowed as she struggled to get closer to that subtle touch.