Charity woke with his name on her lips. She sat up with a gasp, her heart racing, her entire body humming. She was wet, aching, and empty.

“Oh my God.”

She covered her face and groaned.

She had expected dreams after reliving her wedding night earlier. Expected to find Blaine haunting her nightmares, as he always did.

Instead…she had found Miles. And safety.

She flattened a hand against her chest, trying to ease the frantic fluttering of her heart. Her nipples were hard as coal, her femininity hot, wet, and swollen. Her nerve endings felt scraped by pure fire.

She palmed a straining breast and thumbed her nipple and gasped at the sensation the light friction sent arrowing straight to her aching pussy.

She cupped herself down there…then stroked.

But it wasn’t enough.

Stormy’s soft woof coerced Miles out of a restless sleep. He blinked into the darkness, disoriented, not sure why the dog had barked.

Until he saw the dark shape hovering beside his bed. Despite the lack of light, he recognized the tall, slender figure instantly.


She didn’t reply, but lifted the covers and slid into bed beside him. He sucked in a shocked breath when she curved herself around him, her cold, bare skin sending gooseflesh down his spine.

She didn’t seem to be dressed in much, a tank top and panties, maybe. Or possibly a pair of very short shorts. He was near naked himself, wearing only a pair of low riding boxer briefs, and he was excruciatingly aware of every inch of her gorgeous body pressed up against his. But, despite all of that tempting lush flesh within stroking distance, he refused to allow his hands to go roaming.

“What’s wrong?” his voice sounded croaky and still heavily dusted with sleep. “Did you have a nightmare, sweetheart?”

She had squeezed herself into all his empty spaces, filling the gaps he hadn’t even known were there, with her body and her presence. Her chest to his chest, torso to torso, pelvis to pelvis, her long, silky legs were entwined with his…her mouth was so close he could taste her sweet breath on his tongue. The heat generated between their bodies was off the charts, but he wasn’t sure what she wanted of him. She had to know what this was doing to him.

It was becoming increasingly hard to ignore the very large erection in the room. The one making its insistent, throbbing presence known, sandwiched as it was between his abdomen and hers.

“Charity.” He didn’t know what he wanted to say, only that he needed to say it. “What—”

Her mouth closed over his, cutting him off, leaving him in no doubt as to what she wanted. He groaned when her tongue flitted along the seam of his lips, eroding his self-control. Before he could open for her, he needed to know that she was really fine. That this wasn’t her seeking comfort after a nightmare.

He reluctantly pulled his head back and opened his eyes. The only light in the room was spilling in from the hallway through the door that she had left ajar, and he could barely make out her features.

“Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes,” she moaned. “I want this. Please, Miles.”

Her hand slid between their bodies and found his straining length. He hissed at the contact and arched into her touch.

He claimed her lips with his own, inserting every ounce of passion and desire he felt for her into the caress. His tongue requested, and was permitted, entry into her soft, hot mouth and he groaned when her own tongue eagerly met his.

He fisted her unbound hair, glorying in the silken slipperiness of it, and pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. He wanted her to feel his desperation, his yearning, and the absolute pleasure he was taking in being with her like this.

His kiss was everything, it transported her higher than any of her thrill-seeking adventures had ever taken her, above the clouds and into the heavens. Charity was lost in it. Lost in his taste and scent…

His hands had left her hair to explore the bare, sensitive skin of her upper arms and shoulders. A stroke here and a caress there. Not enough to be satisfying but just enough to tease, torment, and titillate. He eased her onto her back and settled between her spread thighs, his thick shaft, riding the furrow between her legs. He lifted his head, relinquishing her lips to peer down at her, the gloom making it hard to gauge what he was thinking.

“Is this okay?” he asked gruffly.

Charity reached around to grab his tight butt with both her hands and ground herself against his hard cock, wanting him to know exactly how okay it was. Wanting to reassure him—and her—that she wouldn’t react the same way she had last time they had found themselves in this same position. Eager for him to know that she trusted him, and that she loved having his weight on top of her.

He groaned at the hot friction she generated between his shaft and her damp, eager womanhood.