Did she want to stop?

She planted her open mouth over his and proceeded to show him exactly how much—no, how little—the thought of stopping and backing away from him appealed to her.

At last he moved, his arms wrapped around her back, and he held her close as he deepened the kiss. Adding the dimension that was missing before. This was no longer a solo endeavor, he was fully on board and very capably demonstrating how much better a kiss could be when both participants shared equal amounts of themselves.

His tongue welcomed hers into his mouth, before following it back into hers. The thrust and parry, the heat and intensity of the kiss set her nerve endings aflame, and Charity moaned as she pushed herself even closer to him.

She wanted more.

She hadn’t expected to want so much more, in so short a time.

One of his hands swept over her back to the nape of her neck, and he tenderly smoothed his palm over the bare skin he found there. Charity shuddered at the contact, but his hand moved on all too quickly. He clearly had a goal in mind, and when he found the bun secured at the back of her head, she knew exactly what he wanted. She left him to explore there while she did a little of her own stroking and petting.

One of her hands found the hard curve of his butt while the other discovered t

he drying silk of his thick hair.

Her breasts felt swollen and tight in their confining bra, and she ached for him to release them, to touch them and fondle them. She longed to feel his hot, wet mouth on the swollen peaks. She released her grip on his tight behind, and groped for the hand he had on her back. It felt large and capable in hers, and she shuddered in anticipation as she imagined how that rough skin would feel on her nipples.

His breath snagged when she moved his touch to her torso, and he understood what she needed from him. With his mouth still on hers, and his other hand busily tugging pins from her hair, he yanked her blouse out of her skirt’s waistband. She made an embarrassingly throaty sound of pleasure at the first touch of that roughened palm on her naked, sensitive skin and he chuckled.

The masculine sound was laden with satisfaction and a little smugness. But she found she didn’t mind it, not when he was violently trembling in her arms, and certainly not when he was so insistently and helplessly thrusting himself against her.

No. She felt more than a little smug herself.

He finally achieved the goal he had been working toward for so long as the tightly anchored bun at the nape of her neck loosened and tumbled. Taking her inhibitions along with it. His towel was gone, fallen to the floor after she had tugged it away. Now he stood, naked and magnificent before her. She shifted her mouth from his to stare at all that glorious nudity…taking a moment to catch her breath and revel in the perfection of his sinewy, beautiful body.

His penis arched and throbbed against his flat belly, and she stared at it in fascination, part of her wanting it desperately, and the other part wanting to flee from him in irrational terror. He hadn’t done a single thing to make her fear him. That was her own baggage weighing down the moment.

His hand slid out from beneath her blouse and he cupped her face, lifting her head until she was looking at him.

“You still okay?” he asked, his voice calm and level…despite his breathlessness.

“What if I’m not?”

“Then you’re not and we stop.”

“I want…I want…” she paused and frowned, not entirely certain what she wanted.

“Tell me. And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you get it.”

Her eyes misted, and she blinked rapidly, determined not to cry. But it was hard not to in the face of such a selfless and sweet comment.

“Can you—”

His eyes were patient as he waited for her to complete the sentence. Because of that patience, and since the face she was staring into was so gorgeous in its stark severity and nothing at all like the monstrously beautiful face she had once so desperately feared, she sucked in a breath and gave him the selfish truth. Because she knew he would not punish her for it.

“Can you make me come? I want an orgasm.”

Despite the trust she had placed in him in that moment, she still braced herself…fearing the worst, expecting the best. And she was rewarded with a rusty chuckle.

“Can I? Sweetheart, next time make it a real challenge.”

She laughed, her relief effervescing through the sound. “Arrogant.”

“Indubitably,” he agreed with a grin and dipped his head to kiss her.

Hard, hot, fast…before he gentled the caress and worshipped her with his mouth and tongue. He led her to the bed, sat, and tugged her down beside him to continue his sensual onslaught. His hands busily unbuttoned her blouse and shoved it aside. The sexy sound of satisfaction he made when he first spotted the delicate lacy bra, sent gooseflesh rippling along her arms.