Me: Just watched the video. I need to go disinfect my eyes now. Steer her toward the tennis outfit. I’m praying for you.

Mara: Pray harder, she just struck eighties gold. The purple leggings exist. I can’t live through another parent’s midlife crisis. Especially since my dad is still going through his.

Me: I’m sorry, girl, do you want me to come over?

I was praying she said yes—it would get me out of seeing Noah. He would understand if Mara needed me. The only good excuse I had now was that I couldn’t trust my feelings around him. He would never, ever know that.

Mara: You’re the best, but the village idiot, a.k.a. my brother, is on his way over. My dad called him in like some hostage negotiator since my mom took over the west wing of the house, including his beloved theater room. Apparently, he can’t watch sports on only a ninety-inch screen.

Jay did love that theater room. And according to Mara, Kellie had literally put a strip of tape down the middle of the house that Jay wasn’t allowed to cross. When my parents were mad at each other, my dad just slept on the couch. We never had wings in our house. And, thankfully, I also had a dad who worshipped the ground my mother walked on.

Me: Just keep thinking, in fifty-three days we will be in virgin heaven.

Mara: It can’t get here soon enough!

Me: Amen.

I sighed and turned my gaze back to the falling snow, wishing life were as gentle as the tiny flakes multiplying on the exposed surfaces. But life was more like a blizzard that at times left you unable to see what was in front of you, and in its wake, you were left with a whole lot of shoveling and even some meltdowns. I wondered how the Scott family would see their way out of their situation. And when the storm inside me would end.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Dear Ex-Filers, it’s snowing here, and I couldn’t be happier. Snow means ski season is just around the corner. However, I realize for some of you, the first snow brings on an innate desire to enter the world of coupledom. It’s actually a scientific fact. But remember, you are stronger than your bodily urges. In fact, it’s great to be alone on snow days. You don’t have to share the remote or your food. Besides, solitude sparks creativity and even improves your mental health. So get in some sweats, pull up your favorite show to binge, and feel the creativity and healing power of being alone.

Lots of love,


I clicked publish before Miss Sparkly berated me. Oh, I knew it was coming. She was furious with this post.

You totally read my mind, she mocked. By the way, you’re a hypocrite. You have the most gorgeous man you know coming over here, all while you’re telling people to go it alone. And being alone isn’t good for everyone’s mental health. And let’s not forget that being in love with someone can actually make you more creative. You know that more than anyone. You did your best work when you first started dating Ben.

Don’t say that to me, I begged.

You think I like to admit there were good times with Ben? I don’t, but it’s the truth. You’re good in love, Cami. Award-winning good.

I know. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t. Noah was knocking on the door.

I composed myself as best I could, trying to take comfort in convincing myself I wasn’t a hypocrite. Noah was my friend and there would be no coupling or cuddling. I stood tall and took in several deep breaths, which did zero to help me. I still felt guilty for the post. And for some other thoughts, like how nice it would be to cuddle with Noah. All while my dog was running for the door. Seriously, how did he know it was Noah? But then I remembered Noah was bringing his pooch and that I better grab my little guy before I opened the door. I didn’t see Neville reacting well to Luna. In fact, I was hoping for it.

With Neville securely in my arms, I opened the door with a fake, albeit friendly, smile.

There Noah stood, with his dazzling smile, holding a large bag of food in one hand and his dog’s leash in the other. Oh, and he was wearing a tight blue sweater that said he had definitely just been on a date with Annika. Flecks of snow danced in his gorgeous hair. Holy schnikeys was his body a wonderland. I was sure Annika had enjoyed the trip there today.

I averted my eyes and instead focused on his beautiful dog. She lived up to her breed’s reputation, golden retriever. Her coat looked as if it had been spun from gold. Her big, gentle brown eyes immediately won me over.