I’m not, I want to protect you. You created me to do that.

And there it was. I’d just admitted to being the interloper.

It’s not that I don’t want you. Maybe I still need you. I don’t know. Sparkles was as confused as me. Or her. Who were we?

I held my stomach while it churned with so much uncertainty. I wasn’t sure if purging my secrets was the best thing. I started briskly walking, looking for a way out of the maze, both in real life and in my head.

“Cams, I know that must have been difficult. Thank you. It was more helpful than you’ll ever know. I know exactly how to proceed now.”

Great. I was glad someone knew what to do. Meanwhile, I didn’t even know who I was.

You do know. You just have to be willing to let go.

Oh. Is that all?

Chapter Twenty-Two

Dear Ex-Filers, Happy Halloween! Are you ready to party? The ballroom looks amazing. A huge thank-you to Bloom Events! And our very own planning committee. I can’t wait to see so many of you tonight.

Lots of love,


“So, you are finally going to renovate?” Mara was flipping through one of the many designers’ books Noah had given me to peruse. This particular one was all about cupboards. Who knew how many different types there were? And the colors, so many colors. White, sage, cream, gray, blue, black. Plus, you could mix and match, which was popular. I had no idea what to choose.

I set my phone on the still-mauve countertop. Speaking of countertops, there were so many varieties of those too. I was dreaming about granite, quartz, and woodblock. They each had their pros and cons. What if I chose unwisely? It was enough to make me wake up in a cold sweat. Don’t even get me going on the cupboard dreams. Those had to be picked out first so that I could match the countertops to them. Let’s just say I’d had a nightmare about furry cupboards and leave it at that. At least I had decided on the flooring—distressed white wood plank. It was going to be stunning. You know, as soon as I decided on everything else.

“Yeah.” I picked up some of the wood samples. “I figured it was about time.”

Mara set the book down. “I assume Noah helped you come to this conclusion,” she said nonchalantly, being anything but subtle. I knew exactly what she was getting at. Yes, Noah and I had been spending a lot of time together lately. He’d needed a lot of help with his nephews over the last several days. Who else was going to make Rice Krispies treats that looked like candy corn, or spiderweb cupcakes? And not to brag, but I’d made some pretty snazzy LEGO costumes for the boys, using boxes and spray paint. I had officially become an honorary room mom for Jaxon. Yesterday at his class party, I think I’d spun what felt like a hundred kids for pin the nose on the pumpkin.

I inadvertently smiled over at the jack-o’-lantern sitting on my table that I’d carved with the boys a few days ago. It looked like it was high on weed with a goofy askew smile and cross-eyes. It was perfect, as the evening had been. We’d watched Hocus Pocus with the boys and their parents while stuffing our faces with caramel popcorn. “He’s just returning the favor for me helping him with his nephews.”

“Right,” she said with an air of skepticism as she, too, looked at the carved pumpkin. “You are becoming awfully chummy for friends.”

I rolled my eyes. I’d heard that from my mom and even Shanna. “Men and women can be friends. Believe me, that’s all we are.” He’d made sure to mention, every time we were together, how nice it was that we were friends. He’d even become less touchy-feely. I think he had taken what I’d said to heart, about making sure this woman of his knew he was completely available. His plan was to help her feel comfortable so she would come to him. Which reminded me to add, “Besides, he’s in love with Annika.”

“So you think. You don’t have any actual proof.”

“We will tonight. You saw how Annika was behaving this morning when we set up for the party. She was positively glowing with excitement.”

“It could be because she stabbed someone and hid the body.” Mara grabbed one of the leftover spiderweb cupcakes I had sitting on a platter and began peeling back the paper.

“This is true,” I laughed. “But I’m telling you it’s because of Noah. He wouldn’t even tell me what he’s coming as. He hopes the woman he loves will know it’s for her.”

“You know, that could be you,” Mara said carefully.

Miss Sparkly perked up. She, like me, thought it was a lost cause, but I had a feeling she’d been holding out some hope.