He let out a heavy breath. “Cams, when she’s ready for me to tell you, you’ll be the first to know.”

“How long do you think it’s going to take?” Inquiring minds needed to know.

“At this rate, forever.”

Chapter Twenty

Dear Ex-Filers, it is said there is nothing so beautiful as a happy child, and I think that goes for our inner child too. Case in point, look at me with all these bunnies. Listen, if you are looking for something sweet and soft to cuddle up to at night, look no further.

Lots of love,


Of course, I couldn’t bring one home. I already had Neville to cuddle up to at night. Besides, he’d seen a bunny in the wild a few months ago and instead of chasing after it like a real dog, he’d tucked his tail and come running to me, shaking.

We were all off to the corn cribs. And I meant all of us: Noah, Jaxon, Liam, my parents, three siblings and their spouses, and thirteen nieces and nephews. I had to admit, not only was my inner child happy, but so was I. And it wasn’t because I had downed three pumpkin-spice doughnuts already. Though they definitely helped my mood. It was this place, and my people. I realized this was my family’s place long before I’d ever brought Ben here. He’d only haunted it because I had let him. Noah was right, it was time to make new memories here. Except not with him. He’d been hanging out with my brothers most of the time we’d been here. I don’t think he liked the advice I’d given him on the drive over. I highly recommended he stop with the photo shoots already.

He’d mumbled something about it being a romantic gesture and to let it alone.

I had no idea how any woman was going to find that romantic. But what did I know?

What I did know was that I was smitten with Liam, who hadn’t left my side the entire time and held my hand as we walked to our next destination. I also knew how to get to my nephews Corey and Ryland. “Hey guys, who’s your BAE?” I teased them.

They were walking in front of me and turned around with scowling red faces.

“You know you love me,” I sang.

“I love you.” My niece Melody came and hugged my side.

“Now you’re my favorite and I’m buying you anything you want today.”

“What!” Corey and Ryland both roared.

I shrugged. “I guess you should have said I was your BAE.”

Chandler, Corey and Ryland’s dad, paused his conversation with Noah and turned around. “Torturing my children again?”

“She specializes in torture,” Noah said jokingly, but I sensed a hint of truth.

What was his problem? Regardless, I owned it. “It’s what I live to do.”

My sister-in-law and Chandler’s wife, Katie, jumped in on my behalf. “Torture the boys as much as you want. Feel free to spread the love to your brother.” She playfully smacked Chandler’s butt.

“Ew, Mom,” Anna, their ten-year-old daughter squealed. “You guys are disgusting.”

Our large group laughed.

After that, the older children ran ahead, probably afraid their parents would embarrass them more. It was a good assumption. That left me with little Liam, who held up his arms to me. It was his usual naptime. I didn’t miss a beat and picked him up, although he was quite heavy. He was all muscle like his dad. I didn’t mind. I’d been carrying kids around since I was sixteen, when Ryland was born. I swore I was part pack mule.

My dad sidled up to me. “Hey, kiddo.” He wore a look of contentment. These kinds of days were what he and Mom lived for. Family time was sacred time, they would always say. I’d missed out on a lot of it the last few years.

“Having fun?” I asked, even though I knew the answer judging by the smile on his face.

“Yes. Looks like you are, too.” He rubbed Liam’s head. “I would say you even have some of your sparkle back.”

He had no idea. I partially blamed him for my dual personality. It wasn’t until he’d talked to me, that Miss Sparkly had appeared.

Uh, I was totally here first, thank you very much. You are the interloper, she was happy to remind me again.

“I feel a little sparkly.” I gave Sparkles a shout-out, hoping to keep her quiet for the rest of the day. And I felt bad for her. She was having a hard time. On one hand she was depressed about Noah, but on the other hand, she was overjoyed to be back at Peterson’s. Meanwhile, I was excellent at repressing my emotions—and there were doughnuts, bunnies, and most of my minions, so I was doing just fine.

“It shows, kiddo. I hope it lasts.”

I did too.

I was glad we made it to the corn bins. Liam was killing my back. I set him down in the bin Jaxon and a few of my minions were already in. I jumped in too. That gave them the go-ahead to tackle me, while trying to bury me in dried corn kernels. Oh, I dished it out too. I wasn’t sure who laughed harder, me or them? It wasn’t all fun and games—my bra was getting inundated with kernels. I probably should have worn a turtleneck. I’d forgotten how sneaky corn could be and how ruthless my nieces and nephews were. I was totally proud of them. I had taught them well.